The story of retribution in kind for injustice

in #zzanlast month (edited)

The story of retribution in kind for injustice

A woman published this story in an Arab newspaper so that people would learn from her and her husband. She says: My husband brought countless maids to me, and no maid would stay with me for more than two months because of my husband's cruelty and my cruelty towards her.

One day, a man from the countryside came to us with a 9-year-old girl and told us: Use her (take her as a maid) for a small amount of money per month. This 9-year-old girl would wake up every day at dawn and prepare breakfast for us, then go to the market to buy us what we needed and then return.

She would break her fast alone every day with a plate of fava beans without oil and bread that was about to rot, then she would do the laundry, mop, and clean the house, and fulfill our requests until midnight until she would fall asleep from exhaustion, and she would wake up at dawn the next day to repeat what she had done the day before.

If she was late for any request, my husband would beat her harshly, and sometimes he would electrocute her with an electric wire. However, she was patient, honest, and clean. Due to the frequent beating, torture, and electrocution, we noticed that her eyesight was weakening when she stumbled while walking, so we neglected her treatment. Not only that, we continued to beat her despite her weak eyesight until she almost lost her sight. One day, she went out and did not return home, so we did not ask about her, did not care about her, and forgot about her.

The story of retribution in kind for injustice.jpeg

After a while, my eldest son got married and God blessed him with a little child. We were very happy with him, but after a few days, we noticed that this child was blind. We took him to most of the doctors, and they agreed that there was no benefit from treatment and confirmed that he would remain blind like this for the rest of his life. The joy and happiness turned into sadness and depression, and my eldest son developed a psychological complex about having children.

Years later, we went to the doctors again to check on my son's wife's future pregnancy. Would what happened to her happen again? They said: What happened was a coincidence and it is difficult for it to happen again.

My son's wife became pregnant again, and God blessed us with a very beautiful baby girl who was sighted. After 7 months, she also went blind for no apparent reason. At that time, I said to myself: "By God, this never happens by chance. It must be God's revenge on me and my husband for what we did to the little girl who was serving us, and who we caused to go blind. By God, I will look for her everywhere."

So I went out to look for her on all the roads and hospitals, asking here, there, and there, until I reached her. I said to her: Forgive me for what I did to you and come with me to the house. By God, I will serve you for the rest of my life with my blind grandchildren, so that God may forgive me and my husband and pardon our sins...and the reward is of the same kind as the deed.


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