STEEM.AMAL OFFICIAL REPORT: 4 Community Economic Development Programs are ongoing!

in Steem SEA3 years ago

This post is to support steem.amal operational expenses


Recently, I have received some questions about the steem.amal activities in the field, I realize that some users are not aware of what steem.amal is doing to implement the programs.

Most of the steem.amal supporters just known that steem.amal only has one running program which is a housing project in Bayu Nort Aceh. But, actually, steem.amal is organizing multiple programs at the same time including emergency response and economic empowerment. As well most popular programs, steem.amal also initiate the new community support and steem promotion program in the form of distributing about 1300 pieces of face masks in Lhokseumawe. The mask is en route to Lhokseumawe from Jakarta.

Check this post for more information:

For your information, steem.amal is seeking a way of handling multiple programs while the price of steem is at a lower rate. The next strategy is to establish the steem.amal business to support the financial and it is an ideal way which has been discussed between leadership members (@el-nailul and @anroja). At the current stage of the plan, steem.amal board member will have a general meeting to address the issue. Most probably the implementation of the program will take some time for evaluation and discussion.

Let's say the program is under evaluation before any further action is taken. For meanwhile, I would like to inform everyone that steem.amal is running a housing program in North Aceh and four Community economic development. 3 programs are undergoing in the Bireuen regency and the other one is in Peukan Baro, Pidie regency.

The 3 programs in Bireuen are as below:

Support coconut oil production

For the implementation report, you can see in @green07 post here

Name: Nuraini

Address: Alue Bie Pusong, Jangka sub regency, Bireuen Regency

Total budget: IDR 4,050,000/40,5 SBD

Program completion: DONE

Handover Ceremony: Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 by @anroja and team (initial plan)






Support Goats Farming

Name: Ridwan

Address: Alue Bie Pusong, Jangka sub regency, Bireuen Regency

Total budget: IDR 4,800,000/48 SBD

Program completion: DONE

Handover Ceremony: Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 by @anroja and team (initial plan)




WhatsApp Image 2021-06-22 at 18.16.51.jpeg



Support Aquaculture // Fish Farming

Name: Armia

Address: Dusun Alue U, Balee Panah, Juli, Bireuen

Total budget: IDR 4,800,000/48 SBD

Program completion: Waiting for the fishes arrive from Medan

Handover Ceremony: Saturday, July 3rd, 2021 by @anroja and team (initial plan)


Support Melinjo chips business

Name: Nurjani

Address: Blang Seupeung, Peukan Baro, Pidie

Total budget: IDR 5,000,000/71.4 SBD

Program completion: DONE

Handover Ceremony: DONE by @anroja and team on June 28th, 2021







That four steem.amal recent program implementations are ongoing and will be finalized by the end of the week. We are able to implement all those programs because of your support. We thank to all of you for the endless support for the steem.amal program implementation

Thank you very much for all steem.amal volunteer who makes the dream of a better life come true

Leadership: @anroja @el-nailul

Advisor: @ayijufridar @curiesea

Pidie and Pidie Jaya Support team: @nazarul @ikhsan01 @herimukti @muhd.abrar @rastaufik10 @mad.demon @ewiendos @fendie @umam

Lhokseumawe Support team: @radjasalman @nm007 @muzack1 @steemadi @nadilchairi @fwinanda @firyfaiz @asiahaiss

Bireuen Support team: @green07

North Aceh Support team: @heriadi @irawandedy @klen.civil @sofian88 @miftahuddin

Bener Meriah Support team : @fajar.perangin79

East Aceh Support Team: @steemitcountry

Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar Support team: @fooart

Jakarta Support team: @cicisaja



My best regards


This post is #steemexclusive as the official #report for public audit purpose


Terimakasih atas laporan yang diberikan, dan semoga mendapatkan titik terang atas evaluasi dan diskusi yang akan di lakukan demi kemajuan @steem.amal.

Disaat harga yg ditawarkan berada pada nilai yg sangat rendah seperti pada posisi saat ini, kami berharap semoga lebih banyak lagi sahabat steemian yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam menyukseskan program mulia ini dalam menebar kebaikan..

 3 years ago 

Semoga kedapan akan semakin baik lagi

Aamiin.... InsyaAllah kedepan akan lebih maju dan juga lebih banyak para steemian yang berpartisipasi dalam program mulia ini seiring dengan harga yang di tawarkan sudah mulai pulih dan mulai beranjak kepada tingkat yang lebih baik.

 3 years ago 

terima kasih atas laporannya pak meneger, semoga rapat umum mendatang menghasilkan keputusan yang lebih baik dan akan memajukan program amal makin sukses untuk masa depan

 3 years ago 

kita semua berharap steem.amal semakin baik lagi kedapannya bang @fajar.perangin79

Terima kasih banyak bang @el-nailul atas informasinya... Mudah mudahan semua kegiatan yang telah di laksanakan maupun yang akan dilakukan semoga lancar sukses dan berqah.. Amin

 3 years ago 

terimakasih bang @bustamam21, semoga kita bisa terus melaksanakan program-program amal yang lain kedepannya


I also like goat raise at home. You have lots of goats sir. Good👍

 3 years ago 

Those are not mine, but the donation to the beneficiary in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Indonesia

 3 years ago 

Wow. Luar biasa melihat program pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah saya sendiri, jujur saya sangat bersyukur melihat jasa mulia ini, Kalian adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa 😭. Trimkasih atas kesabaran, dan keikhlasan @steem.amal

 3 years ago 

Sama-sama terimakasih juga bang @guski

 3 years ago 

Program yg bagus agar @steem.amal lebih tepat guna dan tepat sasaran....sedikit saran utk pemberdayaan bidang peternakan sebaiknya di kolaborasikan dgn steemians ataupun pihak dinas terkait yg ada di daerah setempat agar dalam proses pemeliharaannya dapat maksimal dan bisa mencegah penyakit baik penyakit hewan menular maupun zoonosis....🙏

 3 years ago 

InsyaAllah, semoga kedepan akan semakin baik juga. Untuk kolaborasi semoga saja kedepan akan ada program yang layak untuk kita kolaborasikan dengan dinas terkait

 3 years ago 

Insya Allah.....

Hi do you have a discord channel?

 3 years ago 

Yes, I do have a discord account: @el-nailul#3044 @miniklady

I searched but couldn't find you there. If there is a Steem SEA community discord channel, could you please send me a link?🙏

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, you are very kind🙏🌼🌈

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