My Diary (05/09/2022): Hello from my familysteemCreated with Sketch.

in CRYPTO.KIDS2 years ago

Hello my dear Crypto Kids

I haven't said hello to you for a long time, I wish you all the best, and I apologize for being away from the platform.

I know it is a hard time for everyone on the platform to earn but keep in mind that in our life there is always a good time and bad time, but the quality of our personality is proven by how we can pass the bad time in our life

My dear kids, I started this steem blogging in 2018, and I earned almost nothing at my first step, getting 0,5 was a miracle, but I kept pushing myself day by day. I have no worries at all about the result that I will get at the end of the day.

What I am telling you is to keep posting and blogging and push yourselves a bit more, a bit off the limit, and try to do more and more, because you never know how close you are to succeed.

My Day

Today I would like to tell you about my countryside, where I live my daily life with my family. Oh ya, I am not a rich man that has everything I want or need, but what I have is the willingness to do more.

Today I had a chance to go back home from my duty station and meet my family at home, I am not going home every day or every weekend, but sometimes I miss them very much so I take one or two days off to meet them. Yesterday I went back to my home about 75 km away from my duty station where I work as a daily worker (mean I get paid if I work). During a hard time in my hometown, I need to be more creative to feed my family. Try and keep trying to find a job and finally I got one even though the salary is not good enough but I thank My Lord that he gave me a chance to provide my family with love.


Little Fathiya just woke up and not feeling well

As usual, I woke in the morning and look at the crypto market and check my trading account just to ensure was it the right time to buy or the right time to sell (a simple morning of my simple life). You may need to ask Aunti @mariana4ve to learn how to trade because you can use your TRX and change to steem for power up step by step or use it the profit to your daily need.

I hold my youngest daughter Fathiya because she is chough by fever since a few days ago and is still not well, but I know I have something to finish at first, so I took my laptop and ignition key of my only motorbike to go to find the proper space to work.

Although today is Sunday, I still need to provide a daily report to my headquarters about the last update on the community issue that could possibly affect the operation of my company. Of course, I could not do that at home so I went to the coffee shop, coffee shop in Aceh (Indonesia) is not only a place for having a cup of coffee only but more like a place to meet people who can offer the job. I went to the coffee shop with my daughter Ahya, since she loves to be with me every time I go back home.


I spent about 2 hours finishing my report and checking my trading app to check the transactions and enter the market after conducting a basic analysis of the current market volume (Lost and Gain is Happen LOL).

Finishing my report and market analysis, and time for lunch and back home for Ahya needs to go to the children's education center. We back home from the coffee shop and I found Fathiya having lunch by herself and refusing to be helped by anyone. She totally wanted to spend all her lunch by herself while spreading around some of the rice from her plate (our daily food is rice and vegetable and fish, which is something Indonesian consume for their daily meal).


Fathiya is trying to take the meal by herself

I took some rest for a little while and took photographs of the Rambutan (the sweet hairy fruit) from my mom back yard. Well I forget to tell you that I haven't had my own home yet, and still live with my mom, it is also because my mother lives alone and no one accompanies her, so she asks us to stay with her.

You may have Lychee that taste similar to Rambutan or you have Rambutan but you call it differently, it is the picture of my mom's rambutan which is still on its stem.


The ripe rambutan is still on the stem

Around 4:00 PM in the evening I had my bag ready to go back to Lhokseumawe for work again, using my motorbike I started to ride about 75 km again while enjoying the traffic. But, I realized that I need to stop for a while in the coffee shop for meeting with a friend before arriving in Lhokseumawe. Here in Indonesia, the motorbike is a ride that almost everyone has, as the car is still unaffordable for most people including me.

Just before reaching Lhokseumawe, I called @heriadi to meet because I have something to discuss with him, but he did not answer the phone and I proceed to Lhokseumawe. Arriving in Lhokseumawe just after dusk fell and headed to the food store to have my dinner.

Finally, I reach my temporary living room that was provided by my company during my working day in Lhokseumawe for the next two weeks.


Here is where I will be for the next two weeks

My dear Crypto kids, I hope I can always support you to grow up on this platform. Actually, it is easy to write something on your blog and make it more interesting with the best photographs that you take with your phone. Next, I will tell you about what I am doing in my daily routine, but I cannot display the information about my company since that is strictly prohibited.

To write something interesting you can add a joke and not think too much when you want to ride, just let your heart tells you what you want to write.

I would like to encourage you to set 100% power up and set the 25% to @null to reduce steem in the market. By doing it so, we hope the price of the steam will increase in the global market. And one more thing to the Crypto.Kids admin who administrate the community account, please DO NOT vote for the post other than the post in the community only, it is purely to support the community member and build the self-sufficient community as well.

Thank you and love you all


 2 years ago 
Status Club
#Club100 + 100% Power Up
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
25% nul 25% hive-198626
Verification date:
Sept 4 2022

Hola mi estimado amigo Nailul, te doy las gracias por dedicar una parte de tu tiempo para publicar en la comunidad y dejarle buenos consejos a los Kids, sé que tu tiempo en casa es poco, así que para nosotros es muy valiosa esta publicación, GRACIAS 👌😃💙.

El hecho de que nos compartas tu vida actual y todo el esfuerzo que haces para darle a tu familia todo lo que necesitan para vivir con buena calidad de vida. Nuevamente es un gran ejemplo, de fortaleza y de fe.

En steemit son tiempos difíciles para los usuarios que solíamos cubrir nuestros gastos diarios con las recompensas, pero dices algo muy cierto, en la vida a veces hay momentos buenos y momentos malos, eso es normal, debemos seguir esforzándonos, ya que en cualquier momento las cosas podrían volver a cambiar y ojalá todos podamos disfrutar de ello 😇🙏

Tus fotos me hacen muy feliz, verte sonreír y compartir con tu familia aunque sea poco tiempo, a todos les hacía falta sentir esa clase de amor. Soy feliz por ti, espero que tu situación laboral mejoré pronto y puedas volver a casa.

Hace un tiempo intenté hacer trading, pero no me fue muy bien 😅 así que lo deje, por seguridad propia. 🙆🏻‍♀️

Estoy pensando en un negocio para generar dinero extra, aunque eso me exigirá tiempo al igual que a ti. Es la única forma que tengo para poder conservar mi cuenta y congelar los steem el mayor tiempo posible. También creo que es posible subir el valor de la moneda, como ha sucedido en varias oportunidades.

Con respecto a los votos fuera de la comunidad, eso se debe a que muchos Kids se han retirado y tenemos pocas publicaciones para votar, así que para no perder el poder de voto de vez en cuando votamos fuera. Intentamos votar buenos comentarios pero eso nos baja el CSI, así que es complicado. Estamos en una posición complicada que ojalá podamos resolver pronto.

Saludos Cordiales y Gracias por participar activamente en Crypto.Kids

 2 years ago 

I am trying to do something out of this situation, and hopefully it will work well, one of these strategy is to post here in our community just while I am trying to show our kids of how to improve the writing skill. I like to read it very much, but well it very limit time for me to check and activate my account. Thank you very much for keeping the community work out. What I believe is the situation will back by the end of the year so then the program will be able to start over again.

Much Love

#Lucky 5"

Curated By - @ubongudofot
Curation Team - Team 4 Curators

 2 years ago 

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much @ubongudofot
Keep good work and steem on!

you are welcome, sir...

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 2 years ago 

It's good to read your words of motivation for everyone, not only for the kids in this community, but for all their followers, since as you can see they are a little discouraged, but there are many of us who know that there are great moments and others not so much, everything It is based on the perseverance and loyalty given to the rules on the platform.
I want your girl to get better from her fever, but if she says that she has had a fever for several days, you should take her to the doctor, so that should be your priority, so that they really know what she has.

Kind regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

I hope we all can be together again in this community soonest possible, I am trying to bring them back and of course it needs some times. keep up good works

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Saludos querido amigo @el-nailul, que alegría volver a leer de tu vida diaria, tienes razón es muy triste lo que está sucediendo en la plataforma; pero hay que seguir en pie, luchando y publicando siempre.

Estoy muy de acuerdo contigo, podemos hacer que nuestras publicaciones sean interesantes escribiendo algo y colocándoles una buena foto.

Tienes una familia hermosa, me imagino lo feliz que estaban al verte llegar de tu trabajo, veo que te esfuerzas mucho para mantener tu casa, te felicito.

Esa fruta es muy extraña, nunca había visto una parecida, mucho menos probarla.

Estoy muy agradecida por las palabras de motivación, esperamos que el precio de la moneda suba y que Steemit vuelva.

¡Muchas gracias por compartirnos de tu día! 😁

 2 years ago 

Hello Elinav thank you for your comment

I saw so many of our friend has been vacuum for little while, I hope they have better life. And if you meet them please say my hello and greeting to them

Love you all

 2 years ago 

Hola, nos alegra informarte que tu publicación ha sido seleccionada en nuestro TOP 4.

Te hemos promocionado en nuestro reporte, esperamos que obtengas tu recompensa por tu buen contenido de calidad. Gracias por tu entusiasmo y apoyo a la Comunidad.

¡Seguiremos Creciendo!



 2 years ago 

Hola querido amigo estoy muy feliz de verte de nuevo y saber de tu vida, sigamos adelante y con fe en Dios que todo mejora

 2 years ago 

Hi @migue14 how are you?, long time no see..
how is life back there, please give my big hug to every one there yach. I love to meet them again and how is your english class

BTW. @mariana4ve and I will try our best to support the community and charity program with any possible way.

Dont forget to give our friend a greeting from me and how is Manuel and his family now?

Much love


This post has been upvoted by steemcurator07, due to the good quality of its content.

Curated By - @ubongudofot
Curation Team - Team 4 Curators

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