One Picture And One Story Week #29

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago

So lately there have been rampant use and opening of POS stand every where.
While most of us who even venture into the business do not know the meaning of the word "pos" which means point of sale.

Using ATM card to withdraw cash from the POS machine

I myself I've worked in the business for three different places for fours years and I have seen a lot of victims getting duped; they go into it to assist themselves but at the end they were frustrated and they go back home empty.
Mine was no difference but the only thing was that I may call "fate' maybe I wasn't fated to go back home crying and wailing

So let me narrates my experience while working as a POS sales attendance.
One day as I was seated in the kiosk, the day really got busy with lots of sales, two guys walked up to my kiosk, one short and the other tall, the tall one asked if I have up to twenty thousand naira, which I answered in the affirmative. he brought out a card and gave it out to me, I pressed some buttons on the post machine and insert the card in my machine and it's shown decline, meanwhile before I could I say jack! He brought out a gun and pointed out to my face and ssh me to be quiet, I'm talking about broad daylight also in a busy environment, the short one jump and off he took my bag, the money inside and the machine.

Shocking right? I ran out of the kiosk and after them and drag them, wait? They were actually three with a bike man waiting for them, so I dag them and all the four of us fell down on the hard ground. By then everyone were all looking at us , some came to know why the drama was happening and some went to help me and some just stood staring!

Early before the incident happen, I was arranging the money I made from the sales and unlike other days I made much profits so I took out the cash and place them on the counter and the POS machine also, so the bag was actually empty except from my hair tie!
Your wondering how I got to know? It was after I had run like 100 meters chasing the criminals and coming back, news had already reached my boss who ran down quickly. I was wailing and in deep thoughts how I'll manage to pay up someone's money when she went inside the kiosk and found the money and the machine, even the door left wide open!

At first, I couldn't believe my eyes untill I saw the opening cash I wrote that morning, and the closing cash, it was complete "Miracle".

That wasn't enough, fake transfers was also rampant. It happened that a mature man walked up to my standand asked if I had up to thirty thousand naira, that his wife was rushed to the hospital and he's just been called. He starts talking that we women are week and all that, I believe him because he wore a wedding ring and he look responsible.
He said he wanted to make a transfer and I said no problem, called out the company's details for him he made the transfer and shown me the receipt but I didn't receive any alert and I was warned never to give out cash without receiving an alert!

I told him sir, I can't give you any cash without me receiving any alert. He got pissed and starts raising his voice maybe to intimidate me or something. Later he said he'll come back maybe it's network, till when I left that place I never saw such face after that day and I didn't see any alert!

My experience I share is not to discourage anyone who wants to get into the business but as an eye-opener. There also good experience I did experience I mean if you have good customers and healthy competitors.

I even had a POS neighbor, who was duped. Hers was that she mistakenly pressed five thousand five hundred instead of fifty five thousand and she counted the fifty five thousand to the person and according to her, she said the person was actually her customer who usually made withdrawing from her time to time but ever since the incident he stopped coming and she hasn't even seen him pass by and the lady has been paying the dept form her monthly salary which was actually fifteen thousand.

A lot of persons we see around us most times they talk and smile with us are not actually genuine friends, that is why it is adviceable to be extra careful when dealing with business as risky as POS and may we not fall victims of such bad circumstances.

Thank you all for finding my thoughts Worth your time, please comment as I also will like to read on your thoughts.
I invite @pandora2019, @saintkelvin17 and @vudeme123 to participate in this contest.

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 3 months ago 

Please do not use the hashtag #newcomer, because your account is over 3 months old

Your Account Created 2023-12-25, 22:47

Please read New Commer's Team : Curation Guidelines For April 2024

I appreciate your cooperation

 3 months ago 

Tha ks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

 3 months ago 

Pos business is one that needs one to be careful and alert too.

I've been duped before while i worked as a pos attendant.

ThankGod you were smart.

I wish you all the best in this contest.

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