Super Snail - Keong Super

in #indonesia7 years ago

SS: Super Snail - SS: Keong Super

Disclaimer: This fiction has a small amount of humor. If you don't laugh, remember Super Snail is on the way to find you !!! - Peringatan: kisah fiksi ini mengandung sedikit humor. Jika kamu tidak tertawa, ingat Keong Super akan mendatangimu!!!

One day, the Super Snail is on the mission to save the world on the other side. He was so eager, and move his body into the fastest pace he have

suatu hari, Keong Super sedang dalam misi untuk menyelamatkan dunia lain. Dia sangat bersemangat, dan menggerakkan badannya dalam kecepatan penuhnya.


GO GO GO - Ayo Ayo Ayo

Then he found they entrance to the other world. He then pull out his super power. The long neck is His super power., He can cross the ocean with it. (Trust me he is immortal to salt water).

Kemudian dia menemukan pintu masuk untuk ke dunia lain. Dia kemudian mengeluarkan kekuatan supernya. Leher panjang adalah kekuatan supernya. Dia mampu menyeberangi lautan dengan itu. (percayalah dia kebal dengan air asin)


look how he use all his power, what a hero! - lihatlah bagaimana dia menggunkan semua kekuatannya, Benar-benar pahlawan

But it seems there seems some kind of problem the Super Snail face. It seems his power is drained so fast. He can't reach out into the other world. This is His final attempt

Tapi sepertinya ada sedikit masalah yang dihadapi oleh si Keong Super. Sepertinya kekuatannya habis dengan sangat cepat. Dia tidak mempu menjangkau dunia lain tersebut. Ini adalah percobaan terakhirnya.


His struggle is real - perjuangannya nyata

Then he Gave up, and thinking where did all his power gone. He then remember he has powered down most of his power, because there so much temptation for it. He saw the chance to use his power the other way, without realizing he could not save the world again

Kemudian dia menyerah, dan merenung kemana perginya semua kekuatannya. Kemudian dy ingat telah mengurangi sebagain besar kekuatannya, karena ada banyak godaan untuk itu. Dia melihat cara lain untuk menggunakan kekuatannya, tanpa sadar dia tidak akan mampu lagi menyelamatkan dunia




Don’t power down!
Very funny , good to have someone Power!
Super Paul is here. Let me Test.
What is it like to have so much power?
What can I achieve in three weeks with this Power?

yey. . . Super Paul is here, You are the the police fro the WP at the moment. : )

You can have a lot of things my fried. Good luck, and have fun. : )

Setelah berusaha dengan kekuatan dan supernya dia tidak juga mampu untuk menyelamatkan dunia😢😢. Dengan kecepatan supernya dia juga tak bisa lolos dari mata kamera @ekavieka😄😄

Lihat keong kayaknya hidup ini pelan dan sangat lambat ya

ia, tapi tunggakan yang larinya cepet mas. hahah

anjay kameranya 😂 jadi pengen

beli fa, ayo beli

Kalau di kampungku namanya bekicot

Super snail!!! I had pet snails as a kid...

really? ? how did you feed it.


Actually both of my kids had pet snail as well. This is Slimy my oldest daughter's pet snail. We had him for 2 years. We fed him lettuce, spinach, carrot, cucumber, moss on tree brunch and sea shell or piece of concrete for calcium for his shell. A lot of pepole say they are gross but I think they are very interesting :)

OMG!! This cracked me up!!! You're a natural storyteller, bro!!! And the pictures are awesome!! Love it... ^^

Mantep, om. Btw, om pake DSLR apa mirrorless?

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