Random Shot: Mighty Volcano - Bidikan Acak: Gunung Agung

in #photography7 years ago

Another Series of Random Shot - Bidikan Acak Selanjutnya

While there were some hoaxes about the volcano about to erupt, I still love this mighty Volcano, it make the soil vertile, provide a place for sand mining. We only need to adapt when nature doing its "me" time

Sementara ada banyak berita hoax tentang gunung yang akan meletus, saya masih cinta gunung hebat ini, gunung ini membuat tanah subur, menyediakan tempat untuk tambang pasir. kita hanya perlu beradaptasi saat alam menginginkan waktunya sendiri.


lovely - indah sekali


morning dew on grass with volcano background - embun pagi di rumput dengan background gunung


our culture (the shrine is for the water source for the surrounding rice field) - budaya kami (puranya untuk mata air yang mengairi sawah sekitar)

Taken with canon kiss x8i

kalau dia lagi tenang tidak batuk kanindah sekali di lihatnya siapa saja pasti suka karna punya daya tarik yang sepesial sekali makanya kalau lagi mendaki jangan ngomong sembarangan dia sama dngan laut

Bila cinta menggugah rasa bgtu indah pemendangan itu, membuat diri ku terpanah, akan nuansa alamnya........

akan tetapi ingat ada bahaya mengintai di balik keindahannya mas,
naik ke level waspada nieh gunungnya mas

Wow @ekavieka that is one impressive volcano :)
When was the last time it was active?

Great pictures, I like the second one a lot as well :)

it was erupted back in 1963 l, and it has sleeping for 120 years from the previous explotion.

and it activities is increasing at the moment. hoping for the best, but nature will do what he wanted to, then we are human who has to follow what it wants. 😃

This post has received a 20.49 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @ekavieka.

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