Staying ahead to avoid being dragged.

in OCD4 years ago

If you fail to get ahead of the situation, you definitely will get dragged to follow those that have gone ahead. ladder632939__480.webp

The bottom of the ladder is usually filled with people waiting to climb, people waiting to see if those who have climbed will fall of, people planning on whether they should climb, people holding the ladder to enable others climb and those who will never leave the first step of the ladder.


In the issue of life, man has to be ever ready to stay ahead of the curve of he wants to see good results.
The top is designed to be the top and hence it stays really empty because, it is hardly populated.

Too many concern themselves with the idea of falling off the ladder rather than tell themselves they can stay up if they can get up there.

The easiest way to live life is to allow the mind tell you that, you cannot amount to more than you are made to see.
Believing in one's self is the best thing that can happen to the world. >Imagine how easy the world will be if everyone believes in themselves and will do anything to stay ahead?

Conflict is one thing that makes or mares man. A conflicted man fears no conflict because, he is able to use the experiences of his life to tackle that which appears to be a difficulty to others.

Learn to get ahead. Climb the ladder even if it is shaky and don't allow the whispers of the unknown keep you at the bottom.

It is meant to be climbed if there is a ladder and until you climb, you will never be able to understand the reason why you need to see the top.

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