
in #failure6 years ago


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Failure is a tradition that the world has come to know and live with despite its discomfort and hardship. Like tradition, failure can be changed to become something of w in for the man who understands that he has power with him to effect change genuinely.
A man who believes in himself can respell failure in a different way. he can take advantage of the various underlings that shows the nothing good should come his way if he so chooses to.
A man's destiny is written out on a slate and with chalk, making it not to be iron cast until he so chooses to make it stay solid. Solidity of purpose gives you a reason to keep striving for the best out of life and when you find that string, you will be able to sew every torn aspect of your life.

I Feel Blessed!

For a man growing up into the world, there is just one that he craves, INDEPENDENCE. Yes, we all crave it and wish we could get it as soon as possible forgetting that it isn't always easy to be independent. Human nature has a funny way of relating to the environment and those things we think we want.
When we are at that point where we think we can get independence, we try as much as we can to grab it, we work at it, we even use other people to try to get it and in all these, someone somewhere fails.
Sometimes, we struggle to get it and sometimes, we find it in each other. most of the time, our independence comes at a price and when we cannot pay it up, we fail and are termed failures.

Failing is not the end of the world and has no right to make you feel you are written out, it simply means you didn't get it right the first time around and that you need to try again.
When you are dependent on people, you will never truly feel like a failure, but when you step out of the familiar to the unfamiliar, you will understand those words and can relate with it when it strikes.

Traditions changes and if you have one in the form of failure, you should worry less because with your is the power to change it all.
The cost of independence can be really high and it comes riding on the waves of failure because, dependency is what human nature is created for; the minute you try to make that go away, the very familiar word "FAILURE" just manages to always rear its ugly head.
Failure rides side by side with success and because it it failure, and people know how best to celebrate it, it shines brighter than success.
Celebrate the success even when it is unforeseen because, it will come. Look failure in the eyes and call the shorts. Take the initiative and refuse to quit.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

failure due to "don't want to change" :)

It's the most different article. Thanks @ejemai.

Failure isn't an end, but just a mean to accomplish all other means. We can always be whatever we want to be if we believe in it.

Inspiring post...Success indeed is not for cowards but for the ones who are ready to harness the power of failure and then nurture themselves into change....thanks @ejemai

Failure does always rear it's ugly head. I'm just tired 😣

traditional need evolution change.....I guess

It is good to fail only if we took a lesson from it and tried to learn and improve ourselves from our mistakes.

Failure will be always there but failing doesn't means that we should give up

Nice Post. Micah 7:8 - Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; ..... Failure is the ability to do better when you agree to try again and again. Scorning people's laughter. Thanx. You are a hall of wisdom.

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