in #terrorist7 years ago (edited)

Aleppo, October 29th, 2016. Factions under the banner of ‘Jabhat Fatah al Sham’ launched the much anticipated battle to break the siege on Eastern Aleppo.
According to Arutz Sheva, the Syrian civil war in Aleppo has been called the biggest urban battle since Stalingard in World War II. A growing feud between Jihadists and moderate rebel groups rose in Aleppo with an unspecified root cause. In this scenario, a mouthful Moslems joined in the battle trying to win something for them. It could either be name, respect, or right that every single one of us deserves to have. However, it does not follow that since those particular terrorists were Moslems, all Moslems are already terrorists.
Will it ever end?
Whenever there is a terror attack, must we at all times raise our hands in the air begging “Please not again”. Every time some loony Moslem gets the bright idea of doing a misdeed, our hearts plummet; because we know an outbreak of backlash is now around the corner. We are constantly judge and misread by all the stereotypes in the world about our religion.
Now, every Moslem is then considered and allegedly referred to terrorists by hundreds of thousands of people from different races and beliefs. Is a civil war a form of terrorism? Is fighting for your right makes you a terrorist? Isn’t it unfair that you, of whatever religion, nationality or race would call a Moslem a terrorist? Truth to be told, terrorism is the use of violent acts to frighten people in a certain area as way of trying to achieve political goal.
Why is it that when a white man pulls a gun on a black id, he will never be called a terrorist knowing that it is and for a fact, an act of terrorism. And for the record, they never welcomed the blacks and treated them unfairly. They threatened the safety of men, women and children of the opposite color yet they still stay out of jail. Why is it that when a Nazi fella dropped off millions of heads of innocent Jews, he was not called a terrorist?
And here, in the Philippines, the Communist Party of the Philippines, New Peoples Army and the National Democratic Front, for what we know, shared the same purpose as the Moro National Liberation Front and Moro Islamic Liberation Front, all have been fighting for a certain cause were nonetheless looked upon differently because only the kin of Moro’s are the ones who are called terrorists.
Is being a Moro makes every Moslem a terrorist? Does history do not count or matter? That the Moros of the Philippine Archipelago was there, fighting against the colonizers, defending the state with only the dream of autonomy. Does the history of American occupation in the Philippines not considered an act of terrorism, specifically the killing of the Negritos?
Isn’t it unfair? Isn’t it rude?
I dare to speak of reality for in the eyes of hundreds and thousands of different religions and races, we, Moslems, are dubbed as terrorists. Every Moslem was born with the same right as the Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus, and even with same right as the Americans, British, Japanese and Chinese. Everyone deserves to be respected and treated equally with the same provisions.
Terrorism is not, in any way, associated with Islam. In fact, it contradicts the belief of Islam. It is a misapprehension that has ripened which links Islam and terrorism together. The media has been a big contributor to this fallacy in many ways (to be honest).
I am a Moslem and I am not going to hide that because of everybody else’s perspective about what it means to be a Moslem. A couple of people screwed up and showed a lot of shame to their religion, but that certainly do not mean that the religion was the one who had done the act.
I am not a terrorist or someone who hurts society. If somebody commits mistakes, does not necessarily mean that the whole group of people did it and should get blamed for it. People should stop assuming and stereotyping.


Photosource: Google

PS: Help me Resteeming this one by reminding them that not all Muslims are terrorists. Follow me also to get more interesting writes made by yours truly, do not forget to upvote. Thank you for reading! It'll help :)


Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.

- Albert Einstein

Thank you for that powerful qoute. @wise-old-man be sure to follow me for you to be updated for my posts. I already follow you too :)

nice post man.

Thanks ace :)

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