Fruits and Vegetables from Seed - Garlic "Allium Sativum"
Hello dear Steemians!
Today i would like to talk about Garlic "Allium Sativum", a hardy perennial plant that is grown for its edible bulbs which are used in flavouring many of our dishes. Garlic has been in cultivation for so long that it is sterile and does not produce seed.
It requires a light soil, preferably one that has been manured for a previous crop.
Separate the cloves from a bulb of garlic. Plant them, pointed end upwards, at a depth of 4 inches (100mm) and 6 inches (150mm) apart during late February or March. If you are planting more than one row space the rows 12 inches (305mm) apart. Pinch off the flower/heads so that no nourishment is diverted from the bulbs.
In August when the foliage turns yellow, lift the bulbs using a fork. Leave them on the surface of the soil to dry throroughly in the sun as you would onions. When they are dry tie them in to bundles and store them in a dry cool place. Save a few bulbs to plant in the folloing year.
Some seedsmen offer seed of Jumbo Garlic. This is a variant of the leek with large bulb made up of many cloves. It is sown in the Spring, and usually indoors. When large enough to handle, the seedlings are pricked out into boxes of potting compost where they are spaced 4 inches (100mm) apart in each direction. They are hardened off towards the end of May and planted outside spaced 12 inches (305mm) apart in rows 12 inches (305mm) apart. The bulbs can be lifted in Autumn and stored like garlik or they can be allowed to overwinter in the ground. If the latter course is adopted the flowering head must be removed as soon as it appears.
And thats it! Thanks for your interest and i hope that you enjoy, if you need organic garlic bulbs you can visit my ebay shop or message me!