CONTEST: The Blocktrades Scholarship- Another Day - Ed Privat (prod by @heaterville) - @dsound Exclusive

in #blocktradescontest6 years ago (edited)

Hey peeps!

First, I would like to thanks @anomadsoul and @blocktrades for this contest, this is just an amazing idea, and I hope it will encourage people to engage more!
Another Thank you to @pechichemena for letting me know about the scholarship!
So with further ado, here we go:

Why do you think you are a role model Steemian who engages daily with other users and posts quality content regularly?

I am actually far from a role model, and quite the opposite, as I often speak up my mind about certain subject with no restrain , I love a good argument, even if I am at the wrong end of it and I am losing it.
it's actually one of my favorite things in life, being able to exchange ideas , evolution requires to ask ourselves hard questions.

There's a fine balance between being overly critical and too encouraging of course, I think we need a bit of both , we can't be too self centered neither, cracking up jokes that only steemians will understand, because this is how we lose mass adoption, the inside joke is funny to a certain point.
I am on Steemit, because beside earning crypto, it's an amazing way to reach out to really skillful people in all different area. As a music curator for @artzone(2 times a week), I really get the chance to witness talent at its forefront.So much that with @surfyogi, the creator of @artzone, we would like to do more in the future for all the steemians artists that deserve to be heard and seen, we just ended a photography contest, and soon we will add a curator for a writing category. I take this job very seriously, because art is often the first posts that people read when joining the platform, so it's important to leave a good impression by encouraging and pushing good content to the top.
Very soon I would love to organize concerts for the "outside world", that's how much I believe in the Steemit artists.
The post that I picked, is a single that I released with @heaterville 9 days ago, on the 15th, and it's really a good example on why I am here on Steemit, I would have never had the chance to work with such a talented producer like him, without this platform, and that's for me the ultimate reward and proof of work, the network that we are building.

Here is the link of my post!

Thanks for reading!! More written posts to come this week!!!


...and I hope it will encourage people to engage more!

I hope it encourages you to engage more. 👍🏿 Like the old days.

Oh man we just at the bottom of the bearish market, don't worry it's coming back steadily

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