UNICEF and Bireuen Ministry of Religious Affairs Collaborate to Optimize Maternal and Child Health.
UNICEF and Bireuen Ministry of Religious Affairs Collaborate to Optimize Maternal and Child Health.
Head of Islamic Community Guidance Section Iskandar, S. HI opens religious instructor capacity building activity
In an effort to support the fulfillment of children's rights and protection, UNICEF Aceh in collaboration with the Aceh Provincial Ministry of Religious Affairs Office held an activity to Strengthen the Capacity of Religious Advisors and Registrars through the Interpersonal Communication Approach (KAP).
This activity was held in the Hall of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bireuen Regency, Friday, January 17, 2025.
The activity was attended by 30 participants consisting of religious advisors and registrars of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bireuen Regency.
Although the main focus of this training is to strengthen the capacity of religious advisors, the participation of registrars in this activity provides significant added value. As a party that plays an active role in providing guidance to the community, registrars are expected to be part of a collective effort to convey health messages based on religion and culture.
This training was officially opened by the Head of Islamic Community Guidance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bireuen Regency, Iskandar S HI accompanied by the Head of the Blood Foundation for Aceh (YDUA), Nurjannah Husein, and the Head of the Association of Religious Counselors of the Republic of Indonesia (IPARI) of Bireuen Regency, Drs Muzakir.
In his speech, Iskandar S HI emphasized the importance of synergy between religious counselors and religious leaders in supporting the development of a healthy community, both physically and spiritually.
This training aims to equip participants with the ability to convey messages about maternal and child health effectively, empathetically, and based on culture.
The first material presented was Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (KAP) by facilitator Agus Agandi. In this session, participants were invited to understand interpersonal communication techniques that can increase the effectiveness of delivering messages to the community.
This approach emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding cultural context, and the ability to adapt in various communication situations.
The next material on Nutrition for Pregnant Women, Babies/Toddlers, and Immunization was presented by a resource person from the Bireuen District Health Office, Fitri. In this session, participants received an explanation regarding the importance of balanced nutritional intake during pregnancy and the early period of a child's life.
Good nutrition not only affects the health of the mother, but also becomes an important foundation for optimal growth and development of the child. The resource person also explained the importance of immunization to protect children from various preventable diseases.
Furthermore, participants were also provided with material on Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) & Father Involvement in Efforts to Improve Family Health.
This session emphasized the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle as a preventive measure to maintain overall family health. In addition, the role of fathers was also emphasized as an important element in supporting family health, both through active participation in child care and in decision-making related to family health.
The activity ended with a Follow-up Plan session guided by YDUA and UNICEF facilitators. This session was designed to help participants develop strategies for implementing training results in the community.
Syahrati, as a facilitator, said that the training went smoothly and the participants showed high enthusiasm. "This training is a good opportunity for religious instructors and religious leaders to deepen their understanding of the importance of effective communication in delivering health messages to the community.
Through the Interpersonal Communication (KAP) approach, participants are invited to better understand communication techniques based on empathy and cultural context, which are very relevant to the community in Bireuen Regency.
I hope that the results of this training can be directly applied by participants to improve community understanding of maternal and child health."
With this training, it is hoped that religious instructors and religious leaders in Bireuen Regency can become agents of change who are able to educate the community about maternal and child health, as part of a joint commitment to improving family welfare in Aceh.