Turkish Translation for Ecwid Service Translations Project / Part 2 (1108 Words)

Project Details
Ecwid is a platform that describes itself as an "e-commerce shopping cart and online store solution." It has over 1 million sellers in 175 countries. That's why I decided the translations are worth to be done, because it is a huge website that offer service internationally. By joining Ecwid, you can sell your merchandise online simultaneously on websites, mobile phones, social sites and marketplaces like Facebook, Google Shopping and eBay and also in person with the mobile point of sale app.
Links related to the translation
Crowdin Profile:
Crowdin Project Page:
Ecwid Service Translations
Turkish Translation
Ecwid GitHub
Source Language
Translated Language
Turkish - 1719 words are yet to be translated in Turkish category.
Number Of Words
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1108
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 1042
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
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I am sorry but this contribution should not have been accepted. Ecwid services are not on GitHub.
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