Action or Inaction

in #action7 years ago (edited)

People used to recite quotes from notable, and sometimes obscure literature. Now, no one bothers to remember them unless there's a meme associated with it. Gone are the days of high adventure, when we traveled deep into the woods to battle imaginary foes in order to vanquish evil from the land. Now, we explore within the boundaries of what's already been generated by a computer program, and the battle is fought within it. Our weapons of choice used to be a sword, or a six-shooter, but now, it's a keyboard. The fight between good versus evil has continued into the digital realm, but the stakes are still real.

I want nothing but to be able to go fishing all day, or read a really long book uninterrupted, or play a video game until my eyes dry out and I realize it's 5:30 in the morning and I still need to get some sleep before work in the next hour and a half. But there's a war going on, and I realized that I've been letting the bad guys win, while I was just trying to be left alone.

Nothing hits home more than the realization that evil people never take the Inaction route. They are always active. They keep taking, and they never go away until you force them to. It's just how it's always been, and how it always will be.

Good people are almost always Inactive. Most good people, along with good deeds, often go unnoticed. However, when evil is rampant, and good people are needed, and they still do nothing - they are no longer good. They are cowards. And cowards aren't good for anything.

I don't remember quotes from books anymore. Only from movies. As cheesy as it may seem, I still remember the speech from the movie, "Braveheart", and could recite it by memory if asked. For my first post on Steemit, I will end it at that.

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

Ebonkim, I thank you for posting. It is always good to hear a little outrage. I am assuming you are younger than I. When you get older instead of reading the same story 10 times you have read in 100 times. You tend to get a littler colder and calloused. You are in such a small percentage sadly. Most good people as you say are inactive or more likely just active in the wrong place. I have spent my entire life trying to figure people out. I don’t know if it is cowardice or selfishness or just stupid ignorance. Whatever it is we can’t change it. We just have to hold onto the belief that people in general are good. I personally have come to believe that it is two things; one sociology, two history. I have written some comments on Caitlin Johnstone’s post I hope you will read them. They may help add some insight into what I believe to be our only viable future. This is a Collective Intelligence enabled by modern technology. In my new world Human Logic and Reason are the most valued attributes of man. If we are able to harness the power of these and develop a work in progress as you might say. If we could create a collective endeavor to come to more complete, rigorous conclusions. Conclusions shielded from the negative influences of Individual failings. Then perhaps we could create a better society. One in which the good attributes of man and women are redirected and channeled more productively for the benefit of all.

I love your comment here, definitely heading to Caitlin's to read some more. Is there a way to get notifications of comments on Steemit? I wish I'd had known about these comments earlier.

Just came across your post from a foray into much better content so thank you for that!!

I’ve found that going to and logging in with your Steemit credentials - you can go to your “Activity” tab to see interactions. I can’t figure out notifications either and even have the app installed.

Steemit is promising, but I’m also exploring other options. Not being notified of people responding to you seems like a problem even social media platforms 7 years ago would have thought to solve.

I am new too. I know you can get new post on your feed. I am not sure about comments. Take Care

Yeah, I just pretty much refresh to see if I have any new comments.

Hey, Meant to get back to you earlier, like last night. Had to run to KFC, then my wife and daughters had a 2.5 hour skype session. So my internet was pretty tied up. I only had one post for Caitlin. I could have made it easier for you and told you where, “Threads Of Establishment Russia Narrative Trace Back To Neocon Think Tanks” You can see all the comments to your post under “replies” Some other sites I am on allow you to see all of another users comments. I am not sure this one does.

Thank you crockettoo!

Did not catch this fishin' man till after your interview today wow, rocking the quotes and rockin' the interview guests..amazin! now please, can i get you to teach me OBS?

Yes, I can do some 1-on-1 sessions, or small group sessions. Amanda needs some refreshers, too.

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