A Drop of beauty a day

in Project HOPE3 years ago

You come before anyone else.png

Anyone who does not appreciate beauty will die poor. When I see you smile, I'm convinced of just how rich you make me.

The first sentence is what an African proverb says...The next is my sentence.

Every day I see the similarities my mom sees between me and my father. I am not the kind to be caught outside partying for long hours or traveling the world. I like to make my world around where my peace is.

My dad doesn't say he loves my mom every day, I say I love you more times than my father...if fact the day I said it to him on his birthday was the day I knew I would not be saying it to him again.

My father prays for my mother every day and has spent more years with her than anyone else in his life.

The one I'm in love with is a queen and more...she loves just like my mother does...To see so much potential in a constantly failing project.

I want to say I have never seen anyone like her, but I have...you know?

Although she isn't as much as fierce a spirit as my mom is...something about the innocence in her care and compassion keeps gives me peace.

You come before anyone else, Take me away into a secrete place.❤️

It wasn't always like this, but every day you add to what was once there.

A Drop of Beauty

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