Here Comes The "Meat Tax" !

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

The "Real Greens Activists" - RGA - will never ask the government to control their foods, because first and foremost, they understand a great deal about nutrition and are aware that today they can access the best organic supplements, which means that meat can be considered as a produce to consume every now and then -- or be completely eliminated from the diet. RGA master self-restrain and discipline.

The Final Confrontation: The Vegan vs Vegetarianism vs Meat Debate :

The "Fake Greens Activist" - FGA - on the other end, will just rely on lawmakers to implement regulations to supposedly fix the issues. This is what Greta Thunberg , XR and any similar endeavor or other popular FGA are going to get us. More control.

The globalists are rubbing their hands ahead of the massive and "global skool strike" . The meat tax will also push many into consuming Beyond Meat hamburgers made of synthetic biology, and which are worse than the worst processed foods ever. EC believe that staying away from fake meat is imperative.

Additonally this meat tax will not go to any animal welfare cause but either help pile up even more meat in some warehouse or export the latter where the tax does not exist yet. That is it for today, folks, it is just a heads-up to let you know what lies around the corner. We have not only written enough about the dangers of centralization already but prefer to focus on building a new system instead: a money-free society.

Dystopian “Meat Surplus”: 2.5 billions of Pounds of Meat Are Piling Up in Warehouses.

Could Canadians See A "Sin Tax" On Meat In The Future? (2018)


Meat tax will take food off poor people’s tables so that wealthy eco-socialists can feel virtuous | 20 Aug, 2019
This is the time for the moment of genius, the clever solution that squares the circle between a free populace and their paternalistic-minded rulers. You put a tax on it. Not a declared one, but a stealth tax. Perhaps merely drop the VAT rebate that it enjoys, as was proposed in Germany, which currently taxes meat at 7 percent VAT, but is contemplating moving the levy to 19. You can have more meat – as much as you want – but you will pay more for the luxury, and there is a fairness to it too – the more schnitzel you consume the more dosh you dish out. Does the money go into environmental causes? Probably not – there is currently no way to separate meat VAT from others – but at least people will be nudged into the correct behaviors......

Here Comes the Meat Tax. Paying more for environmentally harmful foods may be inevitable. (2017)
The average U.S. citizen consumed more than 200 pounds of meat this year, more than twice the global average and nearly twice as much as Americans did in 1961. The average American man is eating more than his own weight in meat every year—even as that weight has increased to 196 pounds, up from 166 pounds in 1960........ A meat tax is not yet among the most pressing political issues of the day, but this week, a preliminary report from an investor initiative known Farm Animal Investment Risk and Return warned that a tax on meat is becoming “increasingly probable.”.........

We put a “sin tax” on cigarettes and alcohol. Why not meat? (aug 2019)
In other words, meat consumption has hidden costs: When we indulge in it on a large scale, we do damage to the climate and to our health that our societies have to pay for down the line. When we tax harmful products like this, it’s called a “sin tax.” ....... To make a really substantial impact, global proponents of a meat tax will want to target the United States, which — together with Australia — tops the charts for most meat consumption per capita per year. ..........

Is A Meat Tax A Good Idea? (2019)
A meat tax may also pave the way for a tax on poultry and seafood, too - and encourage people to switch to a plant-based diet, which research has found to be the healthiest diet.

'Meat taxes' would save many lives and cut health care costs, study says (2018)
The price of bacon and sausages would increase dramatically with a meat tax
A team of researchers led by Dr. Marco Springmann, from the Nuffield Department of Population Health at Oxford University, estimated the rate of tax that would be necessary to offset health care costs related to red meat consumption.

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