Beyond Scientific Dysforia: Light IS Everything

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

What is Light and where is it coming from?

Before answering that question, a little bit of background is necessary because academia has taken us for a ride for quite while already. Einstein was another Tesla's contemporary and contender, and we just have to follow the money trail again to see the same patterns of special interests corrupting the field. Academia did not like Tesla because his ideas and concepts were not designed for personal to enrichment but elevating mankind. In our environment, it is a death sentence. Modern sciences is extremely polluting. However, Telsa died poor. True genius cannot be recognized in a money driven society, and this alone makes the case for a money-free planet.

WIKIPEDIA... The luminiferous aether: it was hypothesised that the Earth moves through a "medium" of aether that carries lightIn the late 19th century, luminiferous aether or ether[1][2] ("luminiferous", meaning "light-bearing"), was the postulated medium for the propagation of light.[3] It was invoked to explain the ability of the apparently wave-based light to propagate through empty space, something that waves should not be able to do..... A major breakthrough was the theory of relativity, which could explain why the experiment failed to see aether, but was more broadly interpreted to suggest that it was not needed. ...

The scientific cartel prevented Tesla's technology from winning over, so it embraced the "theory of relativity" instead. There is no obvious plot about it, but conjectures and timing are saying otherwise.

Flash forward. Physics in free fall: in 2017 a new study, published in The Astrophysical Journal, suggests dark matter and dark energy may not exist after all. Physicists are scratching their heads as they realize that the "standard model" theory is no longer accurate and must rethink their understanding of the entire universe. It was assumed that regular atoms like hydrogen and helium make up only a few per cent of the universe to paraphrase the article. And that dark matter and energy amount(ed) to 96%... well, one does not need to be a rocket scientist to comprehend the depth of the impasse as another answer must be found to account for these 96%!

That is where the Electric Universe theory comes into play: these 96% are merely electric currents or plasma. But further how does it come that scientists seem to pay so little attention to some 1,800 thunderstorms in progress over Earth’s surface at any given moment? Lightnings going both ways... upward and downward (see earthcustodians link), what many people do not know about. Upward lightnings are truly spectacular.

Tesla and many others before him were definitely correct. Electricity emanates from the Aether. Almost 100 years of research have to be nullified. But Einstein and Newton alike will go down in history very quietly: what would become all these college degrees issued over the last 20 years? Would be quite chaotic. So while struggling to come up with a new theory, they continue disregarding the Electric Universe theory, which is quite simple as a model to understand. In the meantime, they are also trying to debunk the original study, which is the best way to get some slack and control academic thought.

If you find the EU fascinating enough, more and more scientists are switching and organizing conferences. Keep yourself updated!

Earth Custodians also endorse the genius of Walter Russell, and his book the Secret Of Light. Read a few pages every day to let it sink in. Here is a free copy:

Life is Light. A flash of light at conception?
This is huge, and the study also said that the same phenomenon was too observable in animal conception. This is what we should see debated on TV instead of all this world violence!

Biophotons and Consciousness (Alexander Gurwitsch)
In this lecture the History of Biophotons will be presented, from Alexander Gurwitsch in the beginning to Fritz-Albert Popp. Further he explains the correlation from Consciousness to Biophotons. (30mins)

The electric universe, gravity fallacy- Reading ROBERT OTEY (30mins)
Newton's theory vs spiraling vortices caused by electricity. Electricity is the expression of Light moving in waves and the result of "twin opposing vortices" seeking equilibrium, as explained here:

Dark Matter is Dead (4mins)

Dark Matter and Dark Energy Might Not Exist—Potentially Forcing a Rethink of Our Understanding of the Entire | 12/2017...

Manly P Hall in “I beg to differ with Darwinian theory” @42mins: science does not exist to create profits, nor glorify itself but the betterment of humanity… or it will destroy itself….. @1:11mins: The role of religion is to learn how to use wisely and unselfishly all the skills of mankind.

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Yes, Tesla was wrong about a lot of things. Aether being one of them. Most scientists are, sooner or later. So what? And why do woo woo scam artist love Tesla so much? Just the other day, a flat earther was quoting him...sigh.

The Electric Universe is wrong. The sun isn't a giant light bulb being lit up by an electric current running through our solar system.

all our molecules are held together by ELECTROmagnetism. Same for the sun.

You support whatever corporations, slave labor, pesticides, GMOs, vaccines, profits before humans and nature and you say Tesla is wrong? :)
here is a good one for you

all our molecules are held together by ELECTROmagnetism. Same for the sun.

All our molecules are held together by the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. The sun is held together by the gravity caused by its mass.

The "electric universe" says the sun is a big light bulb lit up by a giant electric current running through our solar system. It is not.

And yes Tesla was wrong about stuff. What I support or think has absolutely zero to do with the fact that Tesla was wrong about stuff.

... you support all cartels, scientific and commercial... so you are NO reference... cartels have done nothing for mankind but cause structural violence and spread lies about just everything, and divide and conquer as well....

and you thought that I thought the sun was a bulb ... LOL, yes that is how one DETERS people from self-educating

watch the vid

Bioelectromagnetics, also known as bioelectromagnetism, is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities.

Again, what I support does not affect in any way that Tesla was wrong about stuff, including "aether".

Here is an interesting article about your patron saint of woo woo:

Edison Tech .... pro Edison cartel of course LOL

dark matter and energy do NOT exist, there go down einstein and newton

So which fact in the article was wrong? Let's look at the first one:

Tesla invented polyphase AC power, or some say AC power in general: FALSE.

First there was a hand-cranked AC generator developed by Hippolyte Pixii in 1832. Single phase AC power was being used more in Europe by many inventors in the early 1880s. As early as the late 1870's Germany had developed a crude 2 phase AC generator. Galileo Ferraris, a scientist in Italy started talking openly about polyphase AC in 1885, one year later Tesla approached investors with his version of an AC system but did not succeed in generating interest. Ferraris also inspired Thomson at Thomson-Houston and engineers at Westinghouse to investigate the system however there was little confidence among investors in AC power at the time.

From a world perspective there were many people working on AC systems over the next few years. August Haselwander and C.S. Bradley(a former Edison employee) created the first 3 phase AC generators(1887). Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky built the first full 3 phase AC generation and distribution system in the 1888-1891 period. Tesla to his credit was able to inspire Westinghouse to jump into AC, but very quickly Tesla's two-phase system was made obsolete by three phase systems which could more efficiently send power farther. The fact is that like today there are many people working on cutting edge technology and if Tesla had not gotten Westinghouse's attention in 1888, Westinghouse would have bought patents from others. Thomson was close to innovation on the AC system as well, and the world would be no different without Tesla, it may have just taken another year for polyphase to get adopted by Westinghouse or Elihu Thomson's company.


at least a flat earther does not help damage the planet, so it is not a reference either.

my blog is not for corporate SHILLS... and ATHEISTS... like you

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