45% Of American Worry Illness Could Send Them Into Bankruptcy

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Medicine and pharmaceuticals have become lethal and should be accused of mass murder. Greed infecting the field has caused such an inflation that 25% of Americans cannot even afford treatments anymore. But most likely many of them are better off since prescription drugs make people often sicker.

Though this speaks volume about the healthcare system: skyrocketing insurance premiums, doctor visits and drugs. The total deadly combo when profits drive collusion of all kinds, such as the opioid crisis behind a $1.2 billion fraud and which led to the arrest of 400 professionals so far. A massive lawsuit is gathering pace.

Then we have hoaxes such as back and knees surgeries... C-section, cancer and diabetes Inc, all too well documented on the internet, and which are the biggest ones. And yes, we are told that that vaccines are safe on top of that. Really? Here is another alarming headline:

Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Advocates are fighting back, pushing for greater legislation for patient safety.(2018 CNBC)

Advocates just cannot do a thing because exposing this would cause a market crash. And there are many people in higher places who do not want that to occur. Big pharma's lobbies spent 1 billion dollars to influence politics in 2017 --according to the guardian.uk

Further, what does it tell us about the health of the economy? That America obviously is on life support. Almost half of population lives on high stress and one paycheck away from bankruptcy. That's a madness because Wallstreet looks the other way, betting on automation, IoT and Synbio to get richer! With 45% of consumers broke and another 20% struggling a little bit less but still cash strapped, one has to wonder how can all these financial analysts fudge the numbers by that much. The average middle class American household has less than 500 dollars in savings.

The economy is a total fiction and it is going to end in tears.

This Yahoo article should be spun by the media 24/7 if the latter were doing their job. But they don't.

The situation is pretty dire and it is truly appalling to see that healthcare alone could cause an overnight and unprecedented mass protest... should the people be more informed.

It is beyond appalling to understand that the planet is on a freight train, which seemingly nothing can stop but the awareness of what is happening to Humanity. If you still happen to doubt the benefit of a money-free society and a resource based economy, what evidence will succeed to convince you?

One in Four Americans Are Skipping Medical Treatment Because They Worry About the Cost April 2, 2019

One in four Americans chose not to receive treatment for a health issue over the last year due to its high cost, according to a new survey released by Gallup and West Health, a health care nonprofit.

Not only that, but 45% of Americans worry a major health issue could send them into bankruptcy and 19% have delayed purchasing medicine due to its cost.

The findings, released Tuesday, display the personal and financial impacts caused by the rising cost of health care in the United States. Tens of millions of Americans are borrowing money to afford health care and cutting out other household expenses. And Americans share a concern over the rising cost of health care and how it will impact their finances and the U.S. economy.

Forty-eight percent of Americans said they believe the quality of the U.S. health care system is “the best or among the best in the world.” But when asked about the quality of care compared to costs, 31% said it was “worst of among the worst in the world.”

Americans are collectively concerned about the impact of the rising cost of health care. Seventy-seven percent worry it will “cause significant and lasting damage to the economy.”

Dystopian HealthCare System For All?

Leading US Drug Companies Conspired To Inflate Prices Up To 1,000%

The Silent Shift That Is Rocking Conventional Medicine

How big pharma's money – and its politicians – feed the US opioid crisis


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