3.2 Million Floating Islands To Save Us From Climate Change - Or An Economic Crash?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

We, at Earth Custodians, do not have the scientific knowledge to assess the validity of such a sci-fi project but we do know that the 1% desperately needs a colossal infusion of cash to save their assets from a "domino type of collapse" and keep the world in a state of hypnosis... And that could be it!


NEWSWEEK: Study author Andreas Borgschulte told Newsweek that one of the main problems with renewable energy is making it competitive with fossil fuels on a large scale. Several concepts have been put forward to try to make renewables a realistic option, but nothing has yet found its way to fruition.

EARTH CUSTODIANS: When products must compete, generally it's one that is the cheapest to make (and thus offering more returns), which is chosen by the market. But oil is cheap because of its price is highly manipulated to start with. This is well documented. This implies that renewables are not enticing enough. Money cannot save the planet.

He said the idea for the solar islands came when the Norwegian researchers were asked by the government to push fish farms out to open sea. These grids, however, needed their own energy. "Energy 'producing' islands had been proposed some time ago," he said. "What remained was to include energy storage."

Sounds fishy already as fish farms are another source of staggering pollution. Their fish are so sick that they are given massive doses of antibiotics. No wonder that they want these farms far away from the shore.

In the paper, the researchers suggest floating islands similar to large-scale floating fish farms. They would use photovoltaic cells that could convert solar energy into electricity. This would then power hydrogen production and CO2 extraction from seawater. The gasses produced would then be reacted to form methanol that can be reused as a fuel, "which is conveniently shipped to the end consumer," they wrote.

Based on these 2 and a half lines, it is difficult to say anything but something does not add up in our view. Why extracting the CO2 from the ocean when the CO2 is all around us in the air already. Moreover, CO2 is good for vegetated lands, plants thrive on it. All we have to do is to quit taking down that many trees for profits. With our technology, we do not need that much paper anymore. (see link below)

The team estimates that the output from 3.2 million floating islands would exceed the total global emissions from fossil fuels.... The recycling of atmospheric CO2 into synthetic fuels, using renewable energy, offers an energy concept with no net CO2 emission."

It remains to be seen as to how millions of floating islands would beat fuel prices. That's a long-term project too... and who will finance it? Global taxpayers?

And what about those "synthetic fuels" ?

We just googled up and it appears that the Synthetic Fuel -- also referred as SynFuel -- industry is all excited and raving about its potential, but is it realistic when SynBio is completely unregulated as we speak?

We wrote a column a few weeks ago: The Scary Thing About Synthetic Biology. See the link below and make up your own mind. One thing is certain: scientific deregulation in our current economic landscape is extremely hazardous.

Production is still some way off and the team acknowledges that the proposal is "ambitious." At the moment, they are working to develop prototypes of the floating islands.

This project may never see the day, and yes there are big challenges. But considering that CERN is one of the biggest taxpayers financed hoax so far, built for fame-greedy scientists looking for extra-dimensions, or another elusive Higgs Bosom, we ought to seriously question the 3.2 million floating Island concept.

Right, let's remain extremely realistic. The bloomberg article makes it crystal clear that solar energy is not what it seems, it actually has way more downsides than upsides. In a few years from now we'll also have a "mega solar panels pollution" on our hands to deal with, on top of all the lands we have depleted for lithium and copper mining.

The positive aspect of all this is encouraging though. Indeed, the money-less society appears every day more and more rational as a social framework.

FULL ARTICLE: https://www.newsweek.com/giant-floating-islands-that-turn-atmospheric-co2-fuel-could-prevent-climate-change-scientists-say-1441793?fbclid=IwAR3EPWqICl9EwyzlTIuarOxBKR87bwnlqJ0G6wrdSTXYU17VlE6huN4xEes

April 16, 2010 Worldwide, the equivalent of almost 270,000 trees is either flushed or dumped in landfills every day and roughly 10 percent of that total is attributable to toilet paper, according to the latest issue of World Watch magazine

Synthetic gas would cut air pollution but worsen climate damage in China (2017)
Using synthetic natural gas (SNG) instead of coal could improve air quality and public health by reducing illness and premature mortalities due to air pollution. But it would also markedly increase CO2 emissions because creating synthetic natural gas from coal produces more CO2 than burning the coal directly as fuel.

The Scary Thing About Synthetic Biology (2019)

The Higgs Fake: How Con Scientists Fooled the World (2015)

Saving the Planet With Electric Cars Means Strangling This Desert (2019)
Mining lithium and copper to supply the battery boom and fight climate change is wrecking a fragile ecosystem in Chile.
“No one comes here anymore, because there’s not enough grass for the animals,” Plaza says. “But when I was a kid, there was so much water you could mistake this whole area for the sea.”... In recent years that mining has intensified, thanks to booming demand for lithium, which is indispensable in the production of rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles. Chile exported nearly $1 billion of lithium last year, almost quadruple the export value from four years ago. ... Batteries are by far the most expensive part of an electric vehicle, so mining more lithium to meet rising demand helps lower prices. ....

More solar panels now means toxic landslide later (2017)

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For every proposed solution, there seems to be a ton of unforeseen problems. I think that the reason they world pull CO2 from the water is that it would be easier to extract large quantities, as the concentration in air is actually very small, volume wise.

Have you ever heard of seastedding? It seems like it could be a way to use this solar energy directly instead of needing to convert it to a fuel. Just have people live on these islands. Underwater farming is also a very promising thing, so all their food needs could likely be meet if they had the right infrastructure.

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