Belief System Session "It's time to change friends"

in #motivation6 years ago (edited)

Belief System Session "It's time to change friends"
If the friends you currently have aren't like the proverbial iron sharpens iron, it's time to change friends. Being sentimental about your friends is highly detrimental. #DeepThinking
The era of having friends for just having sake is obsolete. Have you ever read that most of greatest companies and businesses in the world started out with friends who came together to work on an idea. Apple, Google, Microsoft, to name a few all began with friends. It is amazing what friends can do together when they have a common goal and idea. Remember the proverbial saying show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. This statement is so apt that it can define our path.
I know that he that must have friends must show himself friendly but truth be told some friends can either push you forward or hold you back and down. I have seen people who have friends that will rather party with them but never invest in them. They have friends who take them to club and have fun but will never support them when they need to attend a personal development training. Yes, people do have priorities and one of such should be who you decide to choose as friends. Never let friends choose you, you be the one to choose friends.
Should in case you have friends who you have noticed are seemingly perpendicular then it's time to change them because both of you can never meet. Remember the saying all the splendour in the world is not worth a good friend. A good friend isn't someone who's just always there for you. It's someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself. If you friends don't inspire, challenge, and upgrade you, it's time to change friends. You can never get hold of the new without letting go of the old. You must read my e-book "I am surrounded by idiots".
Three reasons why it is time to change friends

  1. If you have friends that can't support you then you don't have friends. The least anyone can do for you is support and the least form of support is money.
  2. If you have friends who place premium on fun, entertainment and enjoyment and trivialise personal growth and development.
  3. If you have friends who rather pour water on your fire than fuel your flame.
    The alphabet begins with ABC, numbers begins with 123, music begins with do-re-mi, friendship begins with you and me, but when you become a burden, I drop you like it's hot. #DeepThinking
    Friends are meant to be medicine for wounded heart and vitamins for hopeful soul, but when it becomes poison and toxic, it's time to let them go. #R4HL
    Sometimes don't miss out on the opportunity to change your friends like an idiot misses the point. Iron sharpens iron, so a man the countenance of his friend. @wisdomcounselin
    Friends with benefits, value swap at all times. Change your friends before they change your destiny. - Osagie Alex
    On the upgrade side of life, we fix expiring date for friends once they outlive their importance. The world is too large to be stuck with people who don't matter.
    It's time to change friends, stop being sentimental because it will be detrimental. Some friends are good but you must leave good behind to upgrade .

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