Steam (not steem) Summer Sale has begun... expect lag... hide your wallets if you are a gamer

in #steam7 years ago

Well I was just informed it is that time of year again. Valve's Steam Platform at has begun its annual summer sale when many people suddenly find all that money they save disappearing in the all too tempting ridiculous deals.

I actually was on my way to pay for this months subscription to a game I play with some coworkers once a week. I'll wade through the lag, and I'm also likely to spend money I didn't plan on spending. As a gamer it is one of my favorite times of the year.

This is a short post and is mainly a chance to let any gamers that didn't already know, know that it is that time of year and say goodbye to your savings.


Damn... thanks for the promotion! Good bye fair world, hello steam games :D

Assassin's Creed looks cool... But I'd rather play it for real!

Heheh if you want it closer to real you'd likely prefer the Hitman series. :P

thanks, I use steam a lot I already have in excess of 400 games. I'll be checking this out ;)

Yeah I am addicted to steam. I've slowed down... I have 1410 on my own account... probably some more after today. I tend to purchase more for other family members now than myself as I have SO many games I want to play, but haven't gotten around to yet.

i ll be checking it soon :) Thank you dwinblood

Thanks, dear. you are great. Is a great game player. And you already provide information about the game you play. It is very interesting. Thanks you very much

I have like 200 badges to craft :p. Been waiting for it cause you get one card for each badge you make during sales. Though I don't really care that much right now as I just bought a PS4 and have continuously been working on my Steemit blogs ^^

I don't do consoles anymore... they can't keep up with my PC and the sheer quantity and even quality of stuff I have. Though consoles are really easy to use with no effort involved. I used to buy every console.

I have no clue how many I have to craft other than it is a lot. :)

Haha, I got a pretty decent PC myself since about a year and a half now. But the thing is, I miss the controller itself. Especially for online shooters, you just can't compete if you play with a controller on PC.

Yeah but the can't compete would be true if the consoles supported keyboard and mouse for those games too. I have XBOX360 controllers and a Steam Controller for the PCs. :)

Which is a good thing, and why I got a PS4. Got both those controllers aswell for PC, actually played Warframe for a good amount of time with a Steam controller and had one of the best setups possible. Still wouldn't be fair if I were to play PvP ^^

I can't play any FPS games with a controller worth a shit. I end up staring at my feet or the sky a lot. I can with a mouse and keyboard though. :) I pretty much only like controllers for Fighting games like Mortal Kombat, Platformers, and Driving games... some flight sim like games are fun with a controller too.

The lag is so very real on the Steam store page at the moment. I was thinking about snagging wargame: red dragon at a discount, but I'm glad that's the only item I had in mind. lol I'd be going mental if there was a game I really wanted to buy today

It will likely be on sale tomorrow and for a few days and the lag will improve... it's always crazy bad at the start of the sale.

hahaha... GAME ON!!!

Haha Nice title

It is always a huge feeding frenzy ever year when this sale begins.

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