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RE: Safe in my "Fake Space"...

in #meme6 years ago (edited)

To truly be free requires courage. This is something I believe is sadly lacking in today's society. A person is not brave because they have no fear. They are brave because they choose to face their fear and do it anyway.

This is an important trait in reality if we actually want to innovate, take risks, etc.

Reality is risky.

There are a lot of problems with how people view the word FAIR too. Often I dislike the way that word is handled. People seem to seek Equality of Outcome and that is completely impossible and irrational to seek.

Equality of Opportunity on the other hand is something we can strive towards. The doors of opportunity can be presented whether everyone CHOOSES to walk through the door, or in some cases is able are matters that rightfully are beyond our control.

The word FAIR can become a trap. So can the word Selfishness. It like anything can be taken to extremes, and when people use the word they typically are referring to the extremes. A little selfishness though is a survival trait. We as a society tend to focus on and accentuate extremes and it goes in cycles like ping pong. Instead of making reasonable decisions we react to extremes and rush towards another extreme rather than looking for that middle ground that would likely be a lot more healthy.

At the moment we have many extremes, and a lot of them are very unhealthy for the future.

Safe Spaces are approaching the world in complete cowardice. Bravery being removed as something desired.

Micro Aggressions are just the modern sickness of seeking to identify the VICTIM in any possible situation.

There are so many.

To me most of these are because they seem to have intentionally stopped teaching CRITICAL THINKING in the education systems. They have classes with those words in the title of the class, but they don't tend to teach it. I've encountered here on steemit university professors that claim to teach critical thinking but in watching what they post (they like videos) they clearly don't know it themselves as their videos are rife with some of the most common logical fallacies.

I think if the majority of the population understood critical thinking very well then together we could overcome just about any problem coming our way.

Oh and it is also important to know that the news OVER COVERS many of the outliers that are extreme and scary and that gives the illusion they are more numerous than they really are.

As to dealing with each other and fairness.

For me the Non-Aggression Principle (aka NAP) is the way to go there.

Do what you want with yourself and your property as long as you are not forcing someone else.

It is important NAP does not mean no defense. A person that believes in the NAP can still annihilate someone that attacks them in self defense. They simply will not initiate the aggression.

TO me most of the problems in the world at their root are in the education system.

The Prussian Education System model has things governors and rulers like that they do to the population.

Now throw in the invasion by Marxists and Cultural Marxists into so many levels of education in the last half a century and you end up with this mess we are in today.


I have only read half of what you wrote so far but there is so much I wish I could say, in agreement, that I need to start writing now or I might forget the first parts of my thoughts.

I definitely agree that a person is not Free unless they make themselves vulnerable, and thereby, be brave, courageous and risk self for whatever they love (people, things, self, or maybe all of the above). So I would say freedom is the right to seek and defend what is good, you define what is good to some extent but the definition is NOT just anything you like, cause good in my view is a thing that is outside ourselves, "objective", not "subjective". All that to say, I think we are beings of free will but we can surrender that will to "good" or "bad" things, good things make life better for yourself at the same time as it makes life better for others, "bad" things either damage the betterment of life generally, or are too focused on the self-betterment side, and lacking improvement for the rest of humanity. And its not always big things, like what about smiling, do you smile at people when you walk by them, or sneer? Smiling is a good thing, it warms both your heart and the other's, sneering is a bad decision.

But whoa, I am going off on a tangent, and its not even my main interest here now.

I like what you said about being free though, and how it takes bravery, is one of the main things I wanted to say to you.

Other than that:

  1. thanks for an awesome, detailed, genuine reply.
  2. I agree completely victim-hood is strangely sought after and desired, and it saddens me.
  3. I agree that "fair" and "selfishness" are both, often, misunderstood. Fairness, is not universally good, and selfishness is not universally bad. Some fairness, like you said, equality of outcome ARE POISON, and some selfishness like seeking enough money to feed yourself and your immediate family are good or at least totally fine.
  4. the entire idea of microaggressions is stupid beyond comprehension, its wrapped up in the idea that the world owes us "safe places" and people have some right to not being offended, they do not. Free speech and free thought, which are intertwined, require that I be able to risk your feelings by expressing my opinions, now that doesnt mean I should try to hurt you, but it does mean that I must be allowed to accidently hurt you in the pursuit of truth. Like Jordan Peterson says, i need to be able to speak freely so I can think, and yes my speech will at first be jumbled and my words may be in error, or harm you or another, but I cant be expected to reach what he would call, "order and truth" without strumbling around in the dark. People move toward truth and order, by way of talking, safe-spaces and allegations of microaggressions are insidieous ways to kill that pursuit of truth and order.
  5. I have never heard of the NAP, but it makes sense to me. I mostly subscribe to libertarian, voluntaryist, ideals. Mostly.

Thanks again. Great talk.


I found a definition of EVIL that works outside of any religion.

For me EVIL is forcing another against their will either by physical means or coercion.

Good... Well it won't require force.

One of my favorite sayings that guides a lot of my thought these days is simply:

Good ideas don't require force.

This breaking down of good and evil simplifies things a lot for me. It also transcends religion, and really doesn't have bias built into it on what is good and evil. Is force required... if so. To me it is evil. Now to be clear I don't consider self defense as FORCE. Likewise, I don't consider preemptive actions as self defense since they are subjective. Preemptive strikes, collateral damage, etc are all attempts at providing excuses to do evil.

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