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RE: Safe in my "Fake Space"...

in #meme6 years ago (edited)

NAP is a path you stumble onto as a Libertarian. I am a big fan of Ron Paul. Was a delegate for him in 2008 and 2012. Once he was out of the picture I switched my registration back to Independent.

The Non-Aggression Principle is one of the core ideas of many forms of Anarchism. Now before you freak out. The anarchism that the media and education system is a hijacked meaning. While many anarchists practice from this meaning and it is indeed a destructive thing. The original meaning was not.

It was simply An-Archos or NO RULERS. I like to differentiate between RULERS and LEADERS. Leaders can be momentary and can be people you choose to follow when appropriate. Voluntary. RULERS are on the other hand people that believe they have the right to impose rules (FORCE) upon others and are involuntary.

As such anarchists are opposed to government. Yet if they are like me they see that is a distant goal likely generations away even if it is achievable. A state where we can coexist without feeling the need to try to control other people, dictate how they think, and come up with justifications for force and theft.

Libertarians generally are fans of minimizing governance. It is not much of a leap from there into Minarchist. Which is essentially a desire for anarchy (no rulers) but understanding there may need to be a minimum set of rules.

I tend towards the long term current (I change my mind as I learn) goal being Anarcho-Capitalism. I didn't know what it was until someone years ago in r/libertarian said I should come over to r/anarcho-capitalism. All I could think at the time is "I don't support Anarchy" which to me was synonymous with Chaos since I only knew the hijacked meaning that is pushed at us.

Then I began to learn...

Anarcho-Capitalism. Is essentially the idea of NO RULERS and using a FREE MARKET ECONOMY. It also has the NAP at its core and believes we can live by voluntary contracts between people. Crowd Sourcing and things like that fit into this.

There are other variants.

Anarcho-Communism which to me is an oxymoron is common and it and Anarcho-Syndicalist are what the Antifa thugs practice and endorse. They definitely don't practice the NAP.

Here are a couple of things you've likely seen:

That is the flag of Anarcho-Capitalism.

You'll see Antifa and others waving the following around it is Anarcho-Communism or Syndicalist depending upon which order the black and red come in.

Now many proponents of Anarcho-Capitalism have stopped referring to themselves as such due to the immediate barriers in people's minds it creates. Instead they simply refer to themselves as Voluntaryists.

Belief in a society where everything is voluntary and force is not required.

Notice it's background... the Anarcho-Capitalist flag.

So you subscribing to Voluntaryist ideals means you subscribe to similar ideas as the Ancaps. That is where the NAP is talked about so often.

Are there problems? Yes.

Is it realistic that it could be done today? No.

We have an education problem... I don't think any good sounding ideology will work in the long run until we have a majority of population extremely well versed in critical thinking. We currently are going the opposite direction from that.


I follow you and agree with your point. I think I identify with your view on NAP and Anarcho-capitalism, and the distinction between rulers and leaders.

Just this week I was listening to Larry Sharpe, candidate for governor of NY, who is running as a libertarian, he was on Joe Rogan and Rubin Report, he talks about ideally we would not need a "government" but that is like wishing to ride a unicorn, its not a realistic desire right now. We need an interim leadership that moves us away from nanny-state, and into self-reliance, smaller govt, and greater freedom. I completely agree. Check him out.

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