it is a process

in HeartChurch4 years ago


Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

This Bible verse is clear enough for us to understand but deep understanding is always very important with the help of holy spirit. I have seen people mentioning this verse with anger when they ask God something and their prayer was not answered.

Our heavenly father want the best for us, he want us to seek him, ask for what we want from him, want us to us to open doors, bind, do miracles also but all this take gradual process and some people's process are often move faster than the other.

God sees our hearts, he knows what we need without asking them and he know what we don't need or lemme say what we need but we not asking at the right time. Sometimes when we ask something from God and deny us it not that he can't give us but that particular thing is not good for us as at that time, it might also be dangerous and might destroy our faith.

For instance you are asking God for money, you saying you want to be rich and all that but God is refusing you, is not that you are not serving him well or he is not listen to you but you might not have reach that stage yet, flesh might still be in control of your life and God knows giving you the money that time will only take you to destruction, he will not grant that prayer.

God's promises are ye and amen, nothing can change all the promises that full the Bible for us but it a process for us to enjoy all these promises, he want the best for us and he can never forsake us. Seeking him and his words always, ask and it shall be given onto you, God perfect plan is the best for our lives.

Thanks for your time.

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