Why Countries Dumping US Debt Should Worry You-They Just Should Make A U.S Digital Currency

in #steem6 years ago

Here we are again why dumping U.S Debt should worry you. Well simple and plain the situation leads only to one thing a new currency. I mean people have said if i'm not wrong a one world currency. Let me explain conspiracy theorists have actually shown on youtube a currency called the Amero a currency for mexico, united states and canada whether it's true I don't know. But from my perspective with bitcoin coming out I think they would more go towards a digital currency. I mean it would pose more value as there intrinsic assets and resources would be backing this digital U.S currency which would make more sense. I think a country which I can't remember at this point has already released a currency for their country and it has worked well so far. But expect the situation in America to become more drastic than what it is right now. Oh what luck our brothers and sisters are going through, we need an act of God to help them and help the whole world altogether as we know it so we should keep our insights on bettering the world and pray or whatever others do to fix our situations instead of war and bicker on who's countries better than the other. there is a lot more I can talk about as this is a serious situation and it should not be taken lightly. I heard one gentleman say a lot of people would be in crisis if this is not fixed. Anyways check out this shared video from youtube to see what I am talking about.

Best Regards @durianwalker

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