do some housework / unpacking they said... it'll be fun they said.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

due to the gory nature of below images, i have placed my footer at top, so as not to offend some viewers.
some however, will be like 'oooh, gore. gimme more' XD
nek minnit . . .

5:30 pm 6 feb

so i was unpacking mum's crystal bowls. one had gotten broken in the 2nd (since november) move,
so i used the glass glue, and put it on the table in the front room.
guy i was renting off moved it. because, his house, and nothing allowed out of my room.
(then why the f**k am i paying half rent?)
obviously the glue hadn't had a chance to fully seal, or something.

had put the broken one in the middle, so as to protect it as much as possible.

all of a sudden, part of it fell out of the wrapping, and made contact with thine dainty hoof.
hurt a little, but didn't think too much of it
(this pic made me lol the next day as i CSI'd the scene :P

... till i felt a little bit of wetness...
and looked down to a pool of blood
on the fkn carpet of all things.
so i grabbed a shirt, and wrapped up said hoof,
popped a croc ( yeah, i have crocs. DONT JUDGE ME) over the top
of the shirt and bleeding toe, and headed off to the bathroom, to get toilet paper.
returned to room, grabbed the gaffe tape and toilet paper, and started on repairing toe.

(have done years of factory work. aint no one got time to stop work, so u do what u have to)
got it all strapped up, took 3 steps, it had bled through the repair-work.
so i cut the finger off a latex glove, and popped that over it.
hobbled out to flatmate who was working in the backyard.
"um, i may need some help"
showed him blood stained shirt.
he rang his gf, who is a nurse.
she did what she could, and off i went.

after an hour on the bus, i arrived hospital.
showed triage nurse the pics on phone.
and then she undid it, seen the cleaner version,
took some notes. I'm now waiting reception
for the next step.
an x-ray, to see if there is still any glass in it.

10:30 - still here. finally been looked at after mildly complaining
( had waited 45 min, not heard a word from anyone)
damn that nurse is cute.
come to think of it, most of them are.
but this one has 'that smile'
realized i missed a prime chance to flirt.
when she asked if i was allergic to anything,
i should have replied with...
ONLY cold lonely nights alone :'(



4 hrs, and 4 stitches later,
and a hobble to the pub,
for 2 quick rums with
@sammosk and @stitchybitch,
and a taxi home XD


insert missheard simpsons reference here

'u dont keep toes with salad....'

hehehehehe. dude you are hilarious

it looks like you dont like to clean up... the funny fact is i had nearly same Plate and i crashed it also on my foot, but i hadnt a cut

if it hadnt been broken, i dont think it would have done damage, but it was the jagged-ness that did it i think :P

jep... i love this Post, it showes up nothing is perfect, it showes up we can get broken not only a plate... i love the metapher who is hinted in there ;) so i found one for myself ;)

if i asked you for a double entendre, would u give me one?

So. Somewhere around here I have an actual photograph (ink on slick paper that shows an image) of a friends right great toe. He tangled with a lawnmower. After he came home from emergency he found the toe and took a picture as proof.

I have some seriously weird friends. I hope your toe heals cleanly and fast.

take out the m1, and ure just a 'big to3' ;)

we all have that one weird friend. for all my friends, im it ;)

Poor Dun got himself in a toey situation, really put his foot in it.
Good to see it's heeling fast though, arch ya glad that the lovely nurse fixed you up & you're gone tibia kay :)

thankfully i wasnt sipping covefe right now, or id have involintarily ejected it out my nose.

Nice! Blue stitches will blend when it turns black-and-blue! How was the drinks with @sammosk and @stitchybitch? I'm so jelly right now... not of the injury, though.

we were meant to do dinner, but hospital took too long. sammo asked if i wanted a drink, when he went to bar. came back with 2 runs... both for me. needless to say, they vanished quickly... and im not much of a drinker. grew up in a pub, and a house full of alcohol related violence. so i generally steer clear.

It's good that you try to steer clear then, otherwise it tends to just continue an undesirable cycle of events to the next generations. I'm proud to call you a friend.

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