Death numbers are sliding so now attack Hydroxychloroquine!
Place like the trash news outlet that is The Daily Beast must be really upset that less people are dying and information is starting to emerge that in the end could end up classifying this Covid reaction as an overreach to a bad case of the flu.
Afterall, their only real concern on a day-to-day basis is to attack Trump in op-ed "articles" almost completely devoid of any sort of cited facts. They cater to an audience that is also psychotically opposed to anything that Trump says or does so this works for them. However, for anyone that would like to hear actual news, The Daily Beast wouldn't be worthy to line my dog's "poo poo" area in the corner, if it was in print, and it isn't.

The number of deaths have been dropping nearly everywhere in the USA and even though there will be a rather insignificant spike here and there which this garbage publication and many others like it immediately latch on to, for the most part, it is starting to look like things are under control and that of course is not something they want to focus on because they might have to actually look at some things the President did that helped - and the biased beast would never do that.
Instead they decide to focus on Hydroxychloroquine!
The only reason why this "news source" even mentions this drug ever and the reason why any of your TDS infected friends are vehemently opposed to it is because it was briefly mentioned by Trump and then confirmed by a few people who actually did have the virus and said that the drug helped them immensely. Obviously, Trump did not design this drug but the mere fact that he even mentioned it was reason enough for biased news outlets to go on the full offensive.

Tracy Conner, who if there was ever a poster child for what a "not my President" individual should look like it would be her, put her grimy fingers to what is bound to be a Macbook Pro in order to write an article that details how not only does Hydroxychloroquine not help people with Covid, that it can actually KILL them.
Then she fails to mention (as did CNN, where the original article was spawned) that this particular test group were people who were very seriously down the line as far as infection is concerned and there wasn't actually any proof that the drug made things worse. The fact that the 85 year olds didn't magically jump out of the beds and remove their ventilators and then go run a 10k race in the streets was all the proof that Tracy needed.
The fact is that Tracy, and all the people who have anti-Trump insanity living on their minds 24 hours a day is that if Trump hadn't mentioned this drug they wouldn't ever even think about it. If Michelle Obama or Chuck Schumer had mentioned that this drug might help, she and all of her ilk would be leading the parade trying to have a government mandate that would FORCE everyone to take it. It would be the bestest best thing ever!
From what I have read and from the studies that have been conducted and the testimonials from people who used it attest is that HCL (i'm tired of typing that long-ass word) helps those in the beginning stages of Covid-19. It prevents them from reaching the point of needing to be put in the ICU on a ventilator. If CNN and this militaristically feminist cow were at all interested in actually helping anyone, they would focus on that.
It is crazy to me that people's agenda in the press is not to do any sort of actual reporting but instead to decide that "we need this study to make Trump look bad" and then search for the very specific criteria necessary in order to achieve that result.
I think that there are a big group of people out there like Tracy Conner, who if they knew 100% that Hydroxychloroquine could save people, but knew that by doing so would somehow make Trump look good, they would suppress that information with every tap their fat fingers could muster on a keyboard and that is precisely what we are seeing happen.

Check out this study....
Chloroquine improves survival and hematopoietic recovery following lethal low dose- rate radiation
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Sorry, I took Chloroquine for malaria which I had three times, it is a very strong drug and has incredible side effects luckily I was a young man then, if you are very sick and elderly I highly doubt you could survive its effects. So no, let's look for something that really kills this virus without killing the patient.