The magic of statist projection

in #liberty6 years ago


Isn't it odd how some people take your responsible commitment to defend yourself and your property as a threat to their safety?

It makes it pretty clear what they intend to do to you. Either in person, or with government "laws".

Then they'll say that since you threatened them, they are justified in attacking you first-- in "defense".

The threatener poses as a victim, and then uses their imaginary victimhood as justification to victimize you, when all you intended was to defend yourself from any archators.

This is where political government comes from.

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I've always found it odd that people dont get how selfish they are for promoting coercion as a reasonable way to manage society...

Precrime charges and "preemptive self-defense" are the refuge of the authoritarian and the coward. Clear and present danger requires no such euphemism.

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