This boy made unique footwear to stop the rape, is very good~!

in #life7 years ago

Thinking about Delhi's Nirbhaya scandal, the tremendous shiver starts. On the night of December 16, 2012, five people on the streets of Delhi had committed cruel ruthless mischief with 23 years of nirbhaya.


Thinking about Delhi's Nirbhaya scandal, the tremendous shiver starts. On the night of December 16, 2012, five people on the streets of Delhi had committed cruel ruthless mischief with 23 years of nirbhaya. Nirbhaya, who struggled for 13 days in death, died during treatment in Singapore. To stop such cruel crime, the 17-year-old boy from Hyderabad has made a unique invention. In fact, this boy named Siddhartha Mandal has taken this initiative to protect girls and women from rape or any other kind of violence.

Family members will get instant information
Siddhartha Mandal has prepared a footwear for girls, so that the girl who touches the girl will be inclined. At the same time, a sensor has been installed in footwear, which will immediately inform the police and the girl's family immediately about the incident as soon as the fear of the incident. He named this footwear 'ElectroShoe'. Siddhartha claims that if any girl wore this sandal, then she can not make any flirting with her.

Mother also participated in March
Recalling the Nirbhaya scandal, Siddhartha says that when this shameful event happened in Delhi, at that time I was 12 years old. I always remember that during that time, mother used to take part in March to be held to secure Nirbhaya for justice. About 500 people had demonstrated in the side of the Nirbhaya and his family for weeks. I asked the mother if I could walk with her in the show.

This incident shocked me
After this, I also started taking part in the performance for Nirbhaya. During this time, the Nirbhaya scandal shocked me to the world. Seeing this, he thought that something to do for the protection of girls should be done by the girls themselves, because the police are not present everywhere.

Effective in preventing violent incidents
After this Siddharth tried to do something new on the basis of his information and the Internet. In the end, I managed to invent something with my friend Abhishek that would prove to be effective in preventing violent incidents happening to women.


Footwear specialties
This footwear made from Siddhartha is like a common footwear in appearance. But its features are awesome The effort of Siddhartha was also praised by the Minister of Education and Deputy Chief Minister of the Telangana Kadiam Shreehi. He has released the Letter of Appreciation in the name of Siddhartha. Any girl who wears it will not know that she is wearing a common footwear 'ElectroShoe' footwear

Footwear will be charged by the girl's walking
It will not even require electricity and batteries to charge footwear. This girl will be charged only by walking. Siddhartha has seen this test done on a girl herself, which is absolutely correct. It is important to check whether the battery is charging or not when it comes out after wearing it. After wearing this footwear, the person who touched the girl will be hit by 0.1amp. It will also provide information about the exact location of the police and the girl's family.

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