We must not inject our next generation with the brand new "just for kids" Pfizer formula!

in #covid-193 years ago

In a few days, Canada's children will be injected with a completely new (even newer than the deadly adult "vaccine" formula) gene-modifying technology created by elite eugenicists with stated goal of human depopulation. It contains completely new (unknown) ingredients and technologies which have not even undergone the fictitious testing the adult formulas did, and will be delivered into every little boy and girl at once, instead of the relatively slow rollout for adults over the past year. It's a recipe for sterilizing a population, or if done on a wide enough scale, a species. Are we insane?!

Most people - even those awake to the psyop - are completely unaware that this push to jab the kids involves a brand new formula. Not that the adult formula is any better. We know it's a bioweapon. But there's a reason they're being so secretive about it being a special "just for the kiddies" recipe, which has not been tested whatsoever. We are told it is 90% safe and effective, but there are no details available. Considering the adult shots were supposed to be 95% safe and effective, and turned out to be killing millions around the world and doing NOTHING to stop Covid, that's a really bad sign.

We have no idea what will happen - none. Will it keep them save from Covid (which doesn't hurt them anyway)? Will they appear fine until they hit 18 and start trying to have babies? Will their hearts swell up with "treatable" permanent damage, like their older brothers and sisters? Will they get neurological disorders, blood clots, and strokes like their parents and grandparents? Or something else like autoimmune or cancer that don't show up for many years? Nobody knows, not even Pfizer.

Weeks ago, I posted a warning that this appeared to be the case.

Unfortunately, I can find no official denial that children will get special ingredients, just several quiet mentions that this "pediatric" formula is "new". It appears I was right.

This is the latest official announcement from here in BC, Canada. It came from our Covid figurehead Dr Bonnie Henry on Friday.

“Health Canada has approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 pediatric vaccine for children aged 5 to 11. The rigorous review confirms that this first vaccine formulated for younger children is safe and effective. We also welcome the recommendations from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization on use of this new lower-dose vaccine to provide protection to children from five to 11 years of age. We look forward to making the pediatric vaccine available for 360,000 young British Columbians as soon as possible.

While children are at a lower risk of severe disease from COVID-19, it can still result in serious outcomes in some children, including hospitalization and long-term symptoms. As well, as we have seen over the past 20 months, the pandemic has had a tremendous impact on children and families and has led to significant disruptions to important social activities and school. Health Canada’s approval of the vaccine for children is another important step that will help protect children from COVID-19 and help us safely get back to many important activities.

We encourage BC parents and guardians to register their children to get vaccinated. Already, more than 75,000 children have been registered for their vaccine and are on the list to be contacted to book an appointment and get their COVID-19 pediatric vaccine. BC will have enough vaccine for every child aged five to 11, and we will be ready to start welcoming children to clinics throughout the province soon after we receive our supply of pediatric vaccines from the Government of Canada. We will share detailed information early next week.”

Did you catch the subtle admissions that this is something brand new?

  • "this first vaccine formulated for younger children"
  • "this new lower-dose vaccine"
  • "the pediatric vaccine"

Hidden in the press release, as though their lawyers advised them to include it, we find this "pediatric" injection is "new" and "formulated for younger children".

Much more obviously are the announcements that children will get a smaller amount of fluid injected (ie "only 1/3 the dose that adults get"), and that smaller syringes will be used. Duh!

But for some reason, they're much more secretive about the fact that this is a COMPLETELY novel technology, even newer than the "vaccines" already injected into billions of adults. It contains different ingredients and proprietary (secret) technologies.

Children and pregnant women are historically the most protected groups when it comes to experiments, new medications, and new procedures. This is for good reason. We recognize that our next generation is the most important thing we've got. Remember the phrase "women and children first"? We weren't talking about doing experiments on them! We were talking about saving their lives and protecting them from harm, before all else. But in 2021, we are lining the little kids and pregnant women up and insisting they be subjected to it, no exemptions allowed.

And instead of rolling it out slowly over 10 months, we're pre-registering the children so that they can ALL be injected at the same time.

When side effects begin to surface in the days, weeks, months, and years afterward, we won't be able to say "stop the injections - something is wrong". All the injections will already have been given. It will be too late. And Pfizer will say "this is tragic but we had no way to know it would happen". Which is (probably) true - they're as clueless as the rest of us beyond the TWO MONTHS that they tested for. And their test group was tiny, nowhere near enough to spot rare side effects.

Which is why, if we aren't completely mad, we parents will put a stop to this. Because at least here in Canada, it will NOT be mandatory to inject elementary-school-aged children. They will be removed from society, and possibly put into a concentration camp, but they won't be physically restrained and stabbed against their parents wishes.

So the state (supposedly) won't force it, but they're certainly going to try every tactic to make it happen. And the children themselves are too young to legally consent to the injections, as well as too young to refuse them. So it is literally up to each and every child's parents (or legal guardians) to make that decision, and live with the consequences.

Thankfully, most polls show that only about 1 in 4 parents are stupid enough to be lining their children up to be penetrated by the state. A further 1 or 2 are undecided, and the rest are adamantly against it. It may all come down to what those undecided parents do.

If you are thinking about injecting your child with a freshly-concocted serum with unknown effects created by the most corrupt psychopathic profiteers in history... please ask yourself "Why". Is it because...

  • you want to travel?
  • you want to eat out and see movies?
  • you want your child to be accepted?
  • you believe your child is at risk from Covid, and these injections will end up being safe and effective?

Be honest with yourself. You will have to answer for your actions. If this ends up being a bad idea, YOU will be to blame, nobody else.

Let's choose to keep our children safe. Covid can't hurt them, but novel experimental gene therapies can.


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