in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello steem family!
I sat this morning in the gloom of a lonely day wondering what story to write about. Well this amazing story popped up to my mind. Well I hope you Like it and learn something from it too.




In the first half of this year a certain gospel artist by name TS Bless approached me with an offer to work with him on his Live album recording. We discussed for alittle while and he shared his vision with me. I had very little knowledge about this artist, but his expression and character displayed Godliness and humility. Good enough the musicians he had already selected for his album launch where all musicians from my Band, Gifted hands so I was really interested and so I gave him my word.

Concert flier for Cry for nations music team

I was totally unaware of the cost and burden this will levy on me. I suddenly realised that I had accepted a 4 months intensive practice deal. I was totally unprepared to hop unto this hectic train.

designed by me on logopit

This particular gig came with alot of challenges and it was so demanding. We practiced every week and sometimes twice weekly. Oftenly I will have to sacrifice my classes and sometimes important meetings and even my responsibilities in church just to attend this practice sessions.

A difficult situations arose at one point, probably I will say it was a test from God; Another renown and amazing gospel artist in Cameroon, by name Prosper Menko called me and was booking me to tour with him for just a month while offering huge previlegdes and benefits. To be sincere I was so excited to tour. Seriously the fame, the platform, the money and the!! that was all one was dreaming of at that moment.

This offer came about two weeks to Mr. Bless program I was so drenched in a state of ill-decision making. I gave myself every reason to dish Mr. Bless' program. Afterall he wasnt going to pay well as compared to the other artist. So I convinced my self I will accept the offer from the other Artist.

Unfortunately my honor and conscience will not allow me to bridge my deal with Mr Bless. I really needed money but I couldnt go back on my word, that is my honor. For there is really nothing as valuable as my honor. So I had to let go of many offers just becuase I gave my word already.

designed by me on logopit

A week to the event day. Alot of tension was in the atmosphere for alot of people, starting from the choir to the instrumentalist. We rehearsed the more and we fought so hard to perfect our parts. Unfortunately that week I started writing CAs in school And the University had scheduled CAs on the day the concert had to hold.

This was really a big blow to me. However It took the courage to tell Mr. Bless considering how he was going to be feeling. I was likely not going to participate in the concert again as a result of my CA scheduled to hold on the same day of the concert. Mr. Bless wasn't please to hear this news as a results of the countless sacrifices we all had made. I love Mr Bless for being a spiritual guy, he didnt just accept the news or just take it Lightly either. He and the entire team decided to intercede fervently for the situation.

Glory to God! He answered our prayer and the CA's where prosponed. I was really so happy and I had the opportunity to join the others in practice.


TS BLESS choral section

TS BLESS choral section


FINALLY on the day of the concert we all gathered, alot of people where present. We where all set for ministration. That Day Dr. Panam Percy Paul who is a mentor to TS Bless called to encourage the whole team. It was a surreal moment for me talking with a legend Like him.
Well the program kicked of and just of a sudden the choir just caught a kind of cold. They became very nervous and even TS Bless himself lost his voice. He was under alot of tress coupled with tension and so it affect his performance status.

Well we tried our best as musicians based on God's grace and the numerous experiences he ha put us through we where able to maintain our composure and perfomance mode.

At the end the ministration it was so amazing and we got alot of commendations, My team was also honored. My Pianist who was the musical Director of the whole project won bigger music deals as a result of the program.

I felt personally fulfilled becuase alot of people left blessed as a result of the program. Alot of people got back to my mail with so much appreciation and praises. So no matter the amount of time I spent for barely little pay I still feel encouraged becuase I know the profit is eternal.

Designed by me on logopit

Well that is all for my short story. I hope you learned something. Have a blessed day fam!

 3 years ago 

Your word is really your honour. Most people easily break their word when they see better pasture and it is disheartening.

I'm glad the ministration went on very well.

So no matter the amount of time I spent for barely little pay

It wasn't barely little pay. When counting your benefit from doing something, you also count how it'll affect you emotionally, mentally and even spiritually so I think your pay was actually very great🥰

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for reading too

 3 years ago 

Wow. The program was really a good one. If people like us could read here and understand, then what of those who watch your portrait session demonstration...

Thanks for sharing this with us...🙌

 3 years ago 

Thank you to for reading fam🙏😊

 3 years ago 

Woooow. The program was really cool

 3 years ago 

Yea it was cool indeed

 3 years ago 

Wow bro it shows you really had a nice day, and we thank God the concert was a success.

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