A Medical Consultation - How Its?

in #fundition5 years ago

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A Medical Consultation

The medical consultation includes the questioning of the patient (medical history), followed by a physical examination. Finally, the doctor prescribes a treatment, requests complementary examinations if he cannot establish a clinical diagnosis or instructs the patient to go to a specialist's consultation.

First, the patient explains the reason for his consultation and then the doctor asks a series of questions to specify the disorders, the context in which they appear. The doctor then looks for associated signs (signs which accompany the symptoms and which the patient has not explained), current treatments, personal and family pathological antecedents, and possible trips abroad. It also assesses the patient's personality and questions them about their way of life.



Physical exam

If the symptoms are generalized (for example in the case of intense fatigue), the doctor explores the whole body of the patient, as he would do in a control visit. In the case of localised disease or injury, the examination is usually limited to the part of the body affected (ankle examination in case of sprain).

The doctor observes the patient as soon as he or she enters the consultation. This inspection provides information on the patient's body, skin condition, body hygiene, gait, mime and gestures. It includes examination of the mouth and throat. During palpation, the patient is usually lying on the stretcher. The physician places the palm of one or both hands over the area to be examined to assess the location, shape, volume and consistency of a lesion or organ, and to detect nodes or thickening. It also checks if the patient experiences pain at any point in the body.

During the consultation, the doctor monitors the patient's blood pressure and, if necessary, weight and temperature. Depending on the symptoms described by the patient, he or she can also assess muscle strength, movement coordination, balance, joint mobility, skin sensitivity and reflexes.


Medical history

The medical report, or medical history (medical observations), is preserved by medical secrecy. It belongs to the physician and is intended to allow continuity of care. The notes it contains must not be communicated to third parties in any case. The patient may know his or her medical history and, in some countries, has direct access to it.

In order to assert his or her rights, the patient may ask the doctor for an oral report or a medical certificate, which is hand-delivered, or he or she may designate another doctor of his or her choice to have access to the medical report. In some countries, the medical record belongs to the patient.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

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