Sexist Female Senator Tells Men To 'Shut Up.'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Sexist Female Senator Tells Men To "Shut Up."

Imagine If A Male Politician Told Women To "Quit Lying."

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told men in the United States to "just shut up and step up. Do the right thing," following the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Now, at first she was speaking to the men on the Senate Judiciary Committee of which she is also a member, to join the call for an FBI investigation. However, she then said, "Guess who's perpetuating all of these kind of actions? It's the men in this country. And I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up."

The first thing that pops in my mind is what if someone said the same thing about black people and crime? To use her words, "Guess who's perpetuating all of these kind of actions? It's the black men in this country. And I just want to say to the black men in this country: Just shut up and step up." The same thing could be done for female public school teachers who seem to be constantly sexually assaulting their under age male students. "Guess who's perpetuating all of these kinds of actions? It's the female teachers in this country. And I just want to say to the female teachers in this country: Just shut up and step up." Well?

Then I wondered where she was when Bill Clinton got elected twice. Did she vote for him both times? Did she ever speak out against Ted Kennedy? How about John Edwards? Any opinions on Keith Ellison? What about creepy ass Joe Biden?! I am just looking for a little consistency here to make sure this isn't a purely partisan move on her part. My next thought was wondering what she thought of Asia Argento's hypocrisy. Then I remembered Sarah Jeong, and her disgusting comments about Caucasians. I wondered if Mazie Hirono also holds the same beliefs, and if not, did she condemn Jeong and the New York Times? Somehow I highly doubt it.

So, to Mazie Hirono I would like to say a couple of things. First is, he or she who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. In other words, if you are going to start sterotyping and castigating 50 percent of the country's population, then don't be surprised when that comes whipping back around again and smacks you on your ass. Secondly, you cannot have it both ways. If we are going to believe every woman who makes an accusation, and then they turn out to be a big fat liar like Anita Hill, then you are either going to have to start giving men due process of the law and consider them innocent before proven guilty, or then YOU NEED TO SHUT UP.
shut up.jpeg

Women are human just like men. They can be fallible believe it or not. I know this sounds shocking, but they are capable of being dishonest. There are evil women. There are corrupt women. So, before we go around believing every utterance that comes out of a female's mouth let's all keep this in mind, and let us treat everyone fairly. How 'bout that? Oh, and let's use our heads before we speak. You think you can handle that Mazie?

Obama called half of Americans "Bitter Clingers," Hillary called them "Deplorables," and Biden called them "Dreggs of Society." You know, for a party that decries stereotyping, and 'labeling,' they sure do seem pretty careless with the flimsy willy nilly berating of half of America. Lastly, Christine Blasey Ford's story sure seems somewhat weak and inconsistent to me. This low down dirty last minute tactic by Dianne Feinstein may delay things, but I predict here and now that Brett Kavanaugh will become a member of the Supreme Court.



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