Dailyish Thoughts #83steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)


Back in Florida. All good things must come to an end, and our working vacation was no exception. Tomorrow I have an interview, and the next day, and the next day, and Monday. It's going to be a looooong week. So many options. I kinda just want to keep freelancing, but in order to get a car to freelance, I need a "real" job.

Long drives allow for much thinking. So much thinking.... At some point I hope my life slows down enough to write it all down. I'll sum up: Most of the Social Justice people are virtue signalling narcissists. Most of the social justice movement isn't really concerned with helping people as it is concerned with it's own image. Most of it also hinges on a collectivist worldview. Patriarchy and much of the "Christian" marriage and child raising advice out there makes your spouse and children into your enemy. Leftists are like locusts, they move out of the states they have decimated to states like Florida and then elect leftists who in turn decimate the new state, driving them to move to another state and begin the cycle anew.

There were other ones but it is late and I have an interview tomorrow. Go read the links and get an idea of my background before I write more and confuse you!

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