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RE: Black Mirror never disappoints.

in #busy6 years ago

i've heard this is a good one!!! but then... zombies? nope. i can't. i cannot start watching a show and then have it "surprise" me with zombies. i'll be dead for months LOL


Actually I don't think I ever saw an episode with zombies. There are quite a few twisted and distorted love stories though. I think you would really like them. However, do not watch the first episode. For whatever reason the first episode is really bad and most people will watch it and decide that they don't much care for the show.

is it on Netflix?

i cancelled mine - i haven't watched tv show in like.... gosh - a year? but i've been considering getting it back.....

although - i'm on steemit running our community 24/7 LOL so.... not much time for tv hehehehehe

why are you trying to addict me to something other than steemit jeezzle?!?!?!?!?!

Because Netflix is awesome. I also hadn't watched it in more than a year. However, when I signed back up they gave me a free month so you can probably get another free month.


pushing your tasty netflix flicks on me! mmmmmm i can feel my brain turning to mush as i type.

maybe just this once.

Heck yeah. You should start with Hang the DJ. Maybe San Junipero.

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