SEC-S19W2: Life without electricity.


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Life without electricity? What an uninteresting question it is. This question for today's man may be just like a joke. In this modern age how can we imagine life without the basic necessity of life, the electricity. Just imagine a day without electricity;

In the morning when you wake up, suppose that there's no electricity. The battery of your mobile is dead and for this reason you wake up late as there's no any noise of alarm ringing. You wake up from a dark room and reached in the bathroom but there's also no electricity. You have no any water for brushing your teeth and also for bathing. In that case what will you do?


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After this boring situation suppose you want to have one cup of coffee. You will face disappoint as cattle will not work due to no electricity. This all will happen in home in the morning. You want to go to office, you have to go your office without basic accessories like your mobile phone and laptop. Your morning has spent very boring mean you wake up late, without bathing from fresh water, without coffee in breakfast and with zero battery of your laptop. This all will be happen in your office due to no electricity.

First amazing is that you have to go office or school/college with odd dressing because you will not be able to iron your uniform/clothes with electric iron. Imagine due to no electricity there's is no any laptop which is running, no any AC or any other devices which work with electricity like lights also will be off. Only the group of people wandering here and there, what will you all do in office without electricity.

In the afternoon, you believe that you will enjoy your lunch by heating your lunch box or some slices. But sorry you will not be able to do this because oven will not work. What about the refrigerator which is an electric box for freezing different eatable things for certain time. Due to no electricity, you will freeze your food or fruits and they will ruite very soon.

Now think what about the evening, how you will make your evening enjoyful. In the evening you want to enjoy a movie with your family but there's no electricity and LCD will not run. There is no any wifi signals and thus your evening time will also boring. And now the time of sleeping, suppose it is the time of hot summer and now teel me how will you sleep comfortable without electricity? As there's no any fan or AC.

It is true that we will get some more time to spent it with our family as there's will be no any wasting of time in scrolling of social media apps due to low battery of mobile phone. But in this modern era a man can't imagine a single day of his life without electricity. As I discussed a whole day scenario without electricity above.

Now a new question arise that how will we cope if there is no electricity. In that case we will rely on solar electricity. It is cheap source of electricity and also do not cause pollution. Now, in my country Pakistan many people are transferring their electric energy with solar energy. If there will be no electricity we will rely on solar system for solar energy.

Life is very simple without electricity but the modern man can't live without it as he is depending on electricity from his childhood. Living without electricity mean that we are living in old days. That days in which people had to use oil lamps for lighting their houses. They did all their work with their hands and in that days there was no any electric machine which could may made their work easy. Now think how can a modern man do this?

At then end just I want to say that with the passage of time when man made progress in his life, he invented a lot of things for his comfort with the use of technology. And the electricity is the main invention of this modern age. Now it is totally impossible that a man can live without electricity.

I hope that will enjoy while reading my post

I invite @abdullahw2, @josepha, @stream4u, adc2017 and @patjewell to be part of this contest.

My introduction


Hi dear
How are you? Hope you are fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. Living without electricity is like that we are living in the old days. But if there would no electricity from onwards we would rely on traditional methods as our ancestors did in the past. best of luck for contest. Wishing you success

Hello, electricity is so important in my daily life, I don't know what I would do without it, nice post my friend.👍👍👍


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