Bitcoin Supporters To Bankers: The More You'll Hate It, The More We'll Buy It

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Seems like there's hardly any day without a high profile organization or individual bashing Bitcoin these days. A few days ago it was PBOC with a rumor about closing domestic exchanges in China and yesterday it was JP Morgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, with a very harsh statement:

Bitcoin is a fraud. [...] It's worse than tulip bulbs. It won't end well. Someone is going to get killed

source: CNBC

This statement was almost immediately commented on major social media outlets with pointers to the bailouts (and fines) received by JPMorgan during the last economical crisis. According to this piece on techcrunch

JPMorgan Chase paid out $13 billion (with a “b”) to the U.S. government because of its role in the financial crisis and the mortgage security fiasco that almost destroyed the U.S. economy.

So it's like the thief shouting out "Thieves!" or at least that's how I see it from where I stand right now.

It's not a question of Bitcoin being over or underevaluated anymore, it's a question of being a fraud. And as a fraud, it must be "closed down".

I wonder how can anybody "close down" Bitcoin, as Jamie Dimon declared. Who owns it? Who controls it?

I simply don't have the answers to these questions, but I know for sure that the more bankers will hate Bitcoin, the more they'll confirm that Bitcoin is here to stay.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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Agreed:) I do believe that Bitcoin is antifragile, so the more public stress it receives the more relevant it becomes.

You are right about this here below.

but I know for sure that the more bankers will hate Bitcoin, the more they'll confirm that Bitcoin is here to stay.

The more they bash bitcoin ,the more people would love to know why!
It is human nature to want to know why they are barred form something.

All these bitcoin obituaries just give bitcoin "Credible" pubilicity.

This has now become a trend to say negative about Bitcoin and bring its price down so that they themselves can buy at cheap price.

amigo #resteemia at your service

they do drama & they collect btc. nice sharing @dragosroua

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

"it's like the thief shouting out "Thieves!"" This is what I feel too! Those people are making things worst then take the maximum advantage from it! Shame the way they act!
Thank you very much for sharing such useful article with us!


I think these are the first in a series of campaigns who aim at keeping the public at large away from bitcoin and cryptos in general. It's to be expected, and the more bitcoin gains popularity the more these campaigns will intensify.

What you said is completely true and​ I completely agree with you. It's​ not about the price anymore. Bitcoin is here to stay, It can be slowed but cant be stopped. Nice post, upvoted as always :)
Please go through my new post and upvote if possible, need your support to rise up. Thanks :)

very useful news, very helpful for newbie like me, thanks for sharing

I thought that the code currency including BTC shifted in the future personally because there was the big advantage with the No-mask sex than an existing currency.
But, may the price of BTC be too high? Because there was it again.
When I compared it with other coins, the ability of BTC is because it is not high at all.

May a fair evaluation for the performance of the coin become the price of coin including other coins in future as well as BTC?
I think so.

I use translation software. If there are incomprehensible expression, wrong expression, I am happy if you can point it out.

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