Polish police chasing Volvo stolen in Sweden - using spike strip to stop it.

in #life5 years ago

Police at Sławno received information that a Volvo vehicle, produced in 2019, was stolen in Sweden. According to the information from the International Police Cooperation Office, the lost vehicle was equipped with a system allowing its location to be determined. Officers from the Department for Combating Car Crime of the Provincial Police Headquarters in Szczecin, coordinating activities, reported that Volvo was located in the neighboring commune of Sianów. They made an attempt to stop the driver. The driver of the vehicle, however, began to run without responding to stop orders.

The officer on duty in the Sławno command immediately informed all police patrols who had joined the action.
"- A dozen or so minutes after receiving the message, the Sławno criminal noticed the described vehicle in Bobrowików and followed him in pursuit, while notifying by radio other partole about the started chase - describes asp. Warczak. - The driver, despite the signals issued to be stopped, did not react when passing the Sławieńska beltway. In Warszków, road police officers joined the chase, who quickly spread the spike bar. This, however, did not stop the driver immediately. After crossing this obstacle, Volvo drove a few kilometers, stopping in front of the town of Wrześnica. Then the driver ran out of the vehicle and rushed to escape. Policemen from the Sławno roadside police from the Police Station in Sianów followed in pursuit of the man. He had no chance. After a while he was detained."

The driver of Volvo turned out to be a 33-year-old resident of Gdańsk . The man was taken to police custody.

"- He was tested for drug content and the man was under amphetamine action. It also turned out that she has a court ban on driving vehicles - adds a policewoman."

33 years old, by court decision, will spend the next 3 months in pre-trial detention. He faces up to 10 years in prison. In addition, the driver is responsible for not stopping at the road control, driving a car under the influence of drugs and for driving the vehicle despite a court ban for which there is an additional penalty. The man is also charged with burglary and theft of the car.

The police action took place last Thursday - February 13, 2020, but it was only on Saturday (February 15, 2020) that the investigators revealed its details.

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