in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The human brain could be seen as such a complex mechanism wired with so much abilities that we barely use up the life lines the brain offers. A good majority of people believe that about 90% of the brain's capacity remains untapped before we die. This leaves us to 10% to play around with, and though this claim has no scientific proof yet as at the time of this write up, but it enjoys popularity . A research carried out on American citizens in 2013 has 65% of Americans believe this hypothesis to be true.



The brain is broadly classified into two:
1- The Left Hemisphere; logical(order, analytical, verbal, writing, reading) ability and

2- The Right Hemisphere; Artistic(creativity, pictorial, music, etc) ability.

These constitute the parts responsible for some of our special abilities. Some believe you could either be left sided as seen in the exceptionally intelligent persons( writers, scientists, orators, analysts.. etc) or right sided as seen in talented Footballers, Musicians, Artists,Craftsmen. At this juncture, its worthy of note that the two hemispheres are not isolated in their operations as they work hand in glove to produce two types of people in what i term "LOGICAL ART PEOPLE", that is having a blend of this and that,but with a domineering Left Hemisphere or "ARTISTIC LOGIC PEOPLE", having a domineering Right Hemisphere. This is why no individual may completely claim to only know how to read but not possess a little skill of football or cooking, nor only skilled in music and completely incompetent in writing or logical reasoning.


Your Talent/Talents(special ability(ies) setting you apart from others) is/are largely a product of the degree of mix/skewedness to either Hemisphere producing your area of competitive advantage or unique selling point. This explains why you may know how to sing but exceptional with writing,you may be a good Athlete but a better Mathematician. This upon discovery, should be consciously nurtured and tailored towards enhancement.

The extent to which your natural tilt/inclination is discovered, attended to, trained, guided and believed in ,is the extent to which your mastery of the gift you possess perpetuates. Fortunately there are no limits but that you set for yourself. Give your best in grooming the talent you have and not the one you wish you had.

In the words of Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton in their book Now, Discover Your Strengths, as quoted by John C. Maxwell, "every person is capable of doing something better than the next ten thousand people." we are all naturally gifted and in various degrees, you should seek to understand where you have a natural flow knitted in passion and exceptional display.

You may not have much input on where the compass of your natural gift may be pointing to, but you have a choice, decision to discover your talent and groom it.

                 THE EXPERIENCE

We all as kids must have had the experience of our childhood passionate interests regardless of our backgrounds, race, economy, geographical location, we are one in this. Every one of us had this chilhood bite for certain interests like disbanding and fixing toys, building our own toys, teaching other kids, memorising verses, dancing etc. These all came raw to us as our life lines, our tools for survival and leading fulfilled lives if well managed.

Then comes parental influence in a bid to help us shape our future ,you will be fortunate if your parents helped you discover your natural passion and provide you the thriving environment and guidance. This may not be the case sometimes where you are alienated from your dreams and cropped into the societal rat race. Some formal education may further enstrange you from your natural habitat as some of them may not help you discover your self. Societal and environmental influences may aggregate in leading you to a delusion I will tag "TALENT VERTIGO"-a situation of directionlessness in self discovery.

                   NEVER TOO LATE

Many persons today struggle through hassles, hard and undesirable stress just to earn a living that may eventually not be worthwhile and hence, unfulfilling. This leads to frustration as you are choking in the rat race. This is simply because you are likely in the wrong profession, unfitted place of work and a passion-draining project. The good news is, it is better late than never.

In my quest of discovering myself, I tried to trace my childhood strengths to my wild appetite for quest, recitations, philosophic thinkings, music, drawings, a feel of charisma. All these began to blend, precipitate as I discovered my love for imparting knowledge, especially first amongst my siblings, my peers and larger gatherings with so much passion and apt. So i paused, asking "who am I?", "what am I here for?", "what can i best offer to the people around me naturally and exceptionally?" I took time to ask friends, families, colleagues, to have a feeler of their assessment of who they think I was. placing their opinions side by side with the forcefield within me and radiating, it gave me a better precision with confidence. I saw The Writer in me, The music maker, The public speaker and a charismatic born leader. Am a work in progress, you too can find yourself. Spend your resources feeding the Talent you have and not the one you wish you had.


Never about the money, it is the passion and self fulfillment you enjoy while serving humanity exceptionally with your Talent or Talents that churns the pay. Probably if you asked The Late pop star Michael Jackson how much he worked, He would have probably smiled and say" I don't remember working but I remember making fortunes".
Don't waste your "Play cheques."

                  START LIVING

Most importantly, your gift should not only make way for you but empower others. You are to mentor, encourage, groom, help others to actualise their dreams, only then can it be said that you lived. Today we Steem and earn,
Our talents most likely made this possible, and the platform encouraged us all. Thumbs up to Steemit.

It is tragic to pass through this cosmic space without discovering your self, your place on the stage of life, your purpose in the milky way governed planet.

Mark Twain recounted in His story, where a man who died, meeting saint Peter a sound personality, asked "who the greatest general that ever lived was?" He met his shock when a mere laborer he knew on earth was pointed at. In the limbo he enquired "How?", "why?", and the answer? Saint Peter replied "This man would have been earth's greatest general, had he become one."

Your Talent is your Lifeline. STEEM IT.


Beautiful piece... This should help a lot of people to find where they belong.. Nevertheless, talent makes you outsanding, but character and commitment sustains it and takes it to another level...

@mcmusic, thank you brother.

this is great.

Thank you@uduakobong

Thank you very much @penking. Am glad it made sense to you, you may share. Thank you.

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