Every day I am waking up... Every day I feel more conscious

Every day I am waking up... every day I feel more conscious...

As I reflect on my life and the conscious memories I retain in this, organic memory bank that we have called our brain, I see my life in a whole new light...
I am effectively seeing the world through the glasses found by, Rowdy Roddy Piper in “They Live.”
Even as I write this, my understanding grows even more as each thing I focus my attention on unravels before me and I see exactly what life has been trying to show me, in every aspect of it.
It is different every time, but I see the scenarios in my life and where my ego was in control of my vessel... when I focus on other people’s scenarios I see clearly the same things, where ego is in control and where soul exists within the mind, or does not. I can see when soul is being heard, but ego is ignoring it and trying to turn it down. I see Jimminy Cricket (I know that other people will remember the name differently, most popular being Jimmy Cricket, however he was an English comedian and not a fictional talking insect)
I see the devil and the angel on the shoulders... The fact that the devil is your ego , who technically IS you in physical form and your soul, which is your spiritual consciousness trying to take the wheel or at least guise the vessel, is your angel.
I see the correlation between the masks of theatre, the smiley face and the sad face. How we all wear these masks in so many ways... the masks of the ego and the masks of soul... ego is ugly and miserable and lonely, but soul is happy to the core.
Ego is insecure, fearful and pessimistic, whereas the Soul is comfortable, secure and full of love.
This is because of the separation felt by ego when the brain is formed enough to feel fear and separation, something that occurs when the vessel leaves the warmth and comfort of the mothers womb, where it is safe and connected to spirit.
When we are born, the moment the physical umbilical chord is cut between mother and child, for a short time the brain is without programme and separated from spirit. Because it is exceptionally intelligent, it is aware of itself and it’s separation. The brain then feels fear, what’s happening, what is this noise, what is this burning sensation in front of me (the light shining through the two eyes) and from fear is birthed “ego”
This is why creation loves ego... because it occurred naturally, by accident and it was a beautiful thing.
The amazing, artificially intelligent, organic, self cleaning, self replication, self healing, self education, self improving machine that has the most amazing thing ever created... possibly the thing that created creation or was as least a major factor... imagination! Imagination and self awareness caused the avatar to feel loneliness, so it creates ego for company...
Ego is born alone and thinks it is alone. It cannot hear spirit and because it was born from fear, fear is its food. Imagination created amazing things to fuel the fear and the fear made the ego grow bigger.
The trouble is that soul was inserted into the heart and had to navigate its way to the brain to begin to speak to ego.
The soul needs nourishment also, which at such a young age is only received through unconditional love. When the soul receives this nourishment, it becomes stronger and is able to realise itself. Unconditional love is very powerful, but if it is combined with truth, in the form of knowledge from the parents, it makes the soul much stronger. If strong enough, the soul can approach the ego and begin to communicate with it.
If the soul receives no nourishment, it will not venture from the heart to find Ego.
Do you remember “Inner Space” with the character “Tuck Pendleton” who had to navigate his miniaturised vehicle through the body of “Jack Putter” to find his way out... well your soul is Tuck, your brain is Jack and the scientists outside are your higher self.

Ego was an accident, but the events that brought the vessel into the world and the fear that the intelligent, sentient body experienced then caused the brain to create an ego to keep it company.
It depends on the type of nourishment received by either Ego or Soul and the levels of that nourishment, that determines the size, shape and strength of the ego, or soul that grows within the avatar.

Interestingly enough and another way this reflects in my own life is that I was an accident, conceived out of love on Christmas Eve... I popped out almost 9 months to the day later and I have a very strong ego that has always been tempered by a well nourished soul... that combined with a secret told me by my grandfather when I was 6, I am now a 40 year old man, able to recognise and realise this.



'They Live' was one of the best movies ever!

I STILL have not watched the whole movie lmao

I don’t need to for the relevant info, but I really want to for my own enjoyment...

I do find now that I am unable to watch or tolerate most things... I cannot tolerate watching violence or pain any more!

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