Dog... god... hmmmm

in #ilovedogs6 years ago


Dog...god... what's that about then?

It is a very well known fact amongst westerners and English speaking people, that dogs are mans best friend.
In the English language, dog is god backwards... the majority of Natively English speaking people treat dog as mans best friend.
The Chinese, the Spanish, the Portuguese the French... none of these treat dogs well and the Chinese even eat them!
Jesus is said to be our best friend and in the Christian and Catholic (they are not the same) Jesus is God... hmmm

Ok so my girlfriend suffered a terrible loss a few months before I met her... her dog, who she had rescued and paid nearly €1,000 for a life saving and changing operation, was poisoned and died while she was working and then out partying after work.
She felt an enormous amount of guilt and was suicidal, so her father, who's ego told him that a new and very expensive and special puppy, "toy bischon maltese" would heal her, but it did not heal her heart.
When she met me she was still rejecting the little guy and he was amazing and beautiful, but I managed to make her realize how special "Snowie" was and how he loved her unconditionally and she really loved him unconditionally. His soul had met with Fisco's soul when Fisco died, because they know where they need to go and he knew everything, so Bea should accept him and show, her love without guilt.
7 months after she moved in with me, Snowie died from poisoning... the entire time, Bea had been visualizing it happening, her ego telling her it might happen again and then it happened... I woke up at around 4am to a funny scratching sound and it turned out to be Snowie, having a seizure... I tried to cradle him, thinking it was a fit and he died in my arms shortly after Bea woke up and went hysterical.
Bea was suicidal once again in the weeks following his death, but this time she had me there by her side, giving her emotion support and show her understanding and a lot of patience.
Her Dad did the same thing again and at Bea's request bought her another puppy, because she had called the breeders that had sold her Dad Snowie and the same parents had another litter and there were 3 puppies left.
When we viewed them, we were undecided between the biggest (because it looked the strongest) and the runt, who had the most beautiful blue eyes we had ever seen (like mine, says my ego).
We named her Nieve, which is Spanish for Snow, but it never sat right with us... she very quickly showed her character, she was at home immediately in my apartment and she was not afraid of my Alfie, who was HUUUUGE in comparison! I am not joking... zero fear!!! Now you have to consider that when Bea and Snowie moved into my apartment in the December 2016, Alfie was not a fan of Snowie and I told Bea it was because he didn't recognize him and felt threatened a bit by Snowie's presence... Snowie was a boy!
I said that Snowie's soul met Nieve and told her all about Alfie and that he was harmless and would never really hurt her.
I called her "princess" all the time, because I wasn't comfortable calling her Nieve and her complete lack of fear caused me to suggest we named her Xena, Warrior Princess... fast forward a couple of months to when she launched over the wall and plummeted 20 feet to knock herself out, appear to be suffering from a damaged back and internal bleeding and she tuned out to be fit as a fiddle, fearless warrior princess again, within a day, only justifying her name even more.

Alfie is my dream dog and I know that I manifested his being into my being. He was sent to me for certain!!! I was looking for a dog once I had my apartment and I was settled and happy and most of all content with my lot for the time being... Alfie is the exact dog I wanted, without knowing this fact for more than one year! He was offered to me the first time and I rejected him because he was bigger than I wanted and I had been speaking to someone about a smaller dog also up for adoption.
The adoption of the smaller dog fell through and one month later Alfie came into my FB feed again, still looking for a home and looking all sad, but proud, so I decided to give him a chance.
He had been rejected by every person that had chosen him, because he is easy to love, but he would cry and cry and cry when they left him and they would have to return him... I said I would take him on a trial, because I only worked for a few hours per week and I should be able to get him used to me popping out for work.
The first 2 weeks were bad when ever I left him, he would cry and cry for he whole 2 - 4 hours I would leave him.
My friend, who had flown me to Tenerife and put me on my feet, needed me to look after his little toy terrier type and guess what his name was... yup... "Alfie"
I knew little Alfie really well and had looked after him for a few weeks a couple of times before, so he and I were best friends! This caused massive jealousy from my Alfie of course, but because Alfie always seemed to now what was going on, he never really hurt little Alfie, I just had to be careful showing him too much affection.
Little Alfie stayed with us for a month and so my Alfie had company when I went to work... the result was that when little Alfie eventually went home, my Alfie was so grateful to have me back to himself, that he never cried again!

When I realized my power to manifest, I realized that I had manifested Alfie's being into my being. I tried to tell Bea that we had manifested Xena, because she is so perfect for us...
Yesterday we noticed something about Xena's bottom, front teeth that was very similar to Bea. I tried to get a good photo, but it's late now and they're both asleep so it will have to wait.
I said to Bea, "You see... "Me" and her "Me" were outside this realm, in agreement that we should be together. ALL of us together, I, Myself, Me... Bea's "Me, Myself and I" manifested Xena... she had blue eyes like her Dad and teeth just like her Mum.

One last detail... when we are together in bed, every time, it does not matter what we are doing, every when we are fighting... Xena absolutely HAS to get as close as she can to both of us... when we are cuddling, Xena in right up under both our chins, laid smack in between us and staring at us intently, with nothing but love in her now brown (like her Mum) eyes... I said her eyes turned brown, because she is Bea's spirit animal, manifested for her, by us 💚🙏💚


Peace brother....I love dogs, too. Here's a pic of my best friend in the whole wide world, named Tyrion: Copy of Tyrion.08.02.17.jpg

💚💚💚 so gorgeous!!! Thank you for sharing that picture 🙏💚🙏

He cleans up well at the groomers but, most of the time he looks like a raggamuffin, lol!

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