Indonesia Translate "all Word" The Power of Tau - Scaling the Creation of Knowledge

in #tauchain7 years ago (edited)

Ohad Asor, pencipta Tau Chain / Agoras, baru-baru ini menerbitkan posting blog yang telah lama ditunggu yang merinci visinya untuk apa yang sangat mungkin adalah proyek paling ambisius di ruang kripto: Tau. Tau akan mempercepat usaha manusia dengan mengatasi keterbatasan dalam proses kolaboratif kita; keterbatasan yang jarang kita tanyakan

Masalah Tata Pemerintahan Sosial Mengambil tata pemerintahan sosial, misalnya :
Sebagai individu, kita memiliki pendapat mengenai berbagai macam masalah sosial. Mungkin Anda merasa bahwa batas kecepatan pada jalan tertentu terlalu tinggi, atau pemrograman itu harus menjadi subjek wajib di sekolah umum, atau bahwa setiap orang akan mendapatkan keuntungan jika kripto yang secara resmi diakui dan disahkan oleh negara. Namun, Anda tidak tahu bagaimana menyampaikan keprihatinan ini kepada masyarakat umum. Maksud saya, Anda bisa mencoba menulis surat kepada perwakilan lokal Anda atau menandatangani sebuah petisi, namun pada akhirnya hal itu tidak mungkin mendapatkan banyak daya tarik. Sementara itu, isu yang sama yang tampaknya telah terbagi dalam bangsa selama dekade terakhir tetap berada di garis depan debat politik kita. Imigrasi, perubahan iklim, aborsi, kontrol senjata dll semua hal penting tentu saja, namun sangat sedikit kemajuan yang telah dicapai mengingat jumlah waktu, sumber daya dan perhatian yang telah dikhususkan untuk mereka. Jadi, masalah dengan bentuk pemerintahan sosial tradisional, seperti pemungutan suara yang demokratis, jelas: di satu sisi ia mengalami kesulitan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menangani berbagai pendapat yang menurut orang berbeda, bahkan berkenaan dengan jumlah kecil Masalah yang akhirnya meluap sampai ke permukaan, tidak terlalu efisien dalam mendeteksi konsensus. Penyebab utama masalah ini adalah bahwa mode diskusi saat ini tidak terukur. Ada keterbatasan yang melekat dalam cara kita bisa mengkomunikasikan pandangan kita satu sama lain; yaitu, kemampuan manusia untuk memahami dan mengatur informasi merupakan hambatan utama. Kami tidak mungkin bisa mengikuti beberapa percakapan sekaligus, atau mengingat proposisi setiap orang setelah ada lebih dari segelintir orang dalam campuran. Inilah sebabnya mengapa sebagian besar badan pembuat keputusan kolaboratif dalam praktik umumnya cukup kecil jumlahnya: kabinet Presiden, hakim agung, arahan dewan direksi perusahaan peruntungan 100 dan lain-lain; Anda tidak bisa melakukan diskusi produktif dengan 50 orang. Seluruh peradaban kita terstruktur seputar keterbatasan ini: diskusi tidak berskala.

Scaling Collaborative Discussions Di bawah Tau Bayangkan jika kita bisa mengatasi keterbatasan ini ;
apa artinya pemerintahan sosial? Dengan menggunakan logika yang menentukan sendiri, dapat dipecahkan, jaringan Tau mudah untuk melacak setiap proposisi pengguna dan mendeteksi konsensus secara otomatis. Perhatikan bahwa membuat proposisi sama persis dengan pemungutan suara untuk proposisi yang sama: ketika Anda mengusulkan 'anjing harus selalu berada di tali di depan umum kecuali di taman', Anda sebenarnya memberikan suara untuk proposisi semacam itu. . Dengan cara ini, banyak sekali masalah, terlepas dari bagaimana teknis atau niche, dapat dinilai melalui jaringan secara bersamaan, dan konsensus sosial dapat dideteksi dengan cepat. Jaringan Tau dapat mengukur tata kelola sosial dengan mengatasi salah satu batasan terbesar dalam komunikasi gagasan oleh manusia dengan mendelegasikan tugas secara logis untuk memahami proposisi setiap orang ke komputer. Kasus penggunaan sederhana ini akan menjadi aturan jaringan Tau sendiri: melalui logika yang menentukan sendiri, Tau mampu mendeteksi konsensus di antara penggunanya dari blok ke blok, mengubah peraturannya sendiri agar sesuai dengan pilihan basis pengguna.

The Power of Tau - Scaling the Creation of Knowledge
trafalgar (67) in tauchain • 3 days ago
Ohad Asor, creator of Tau Chain/Agoras, has recently published the long awaited blog post detailing his vision for what very likely is the most ambitious project in the crypto space: Tau.

Tau will accelerate human endeavors by overcoming long ingrained limitations in our collaborative processes; limitations which we rarely even question

The Problem of Social Governance
Take social governance, for example. As individuals, we have opinions over a wide variety of social issues. Perhaps you feel that the speed limit on certain roads is too high, or that programming should be a compulsory subject at public schools, or that everyone would benefit if cryptocurrencies were officially recognized and endorsed by the state.

However, you have no idea how to get these concerns across to the general public. I mean you could try writing a letter to your local representative or signing a petition but ultimately that's unlikely to gain much traction. Meanwhile, the very same issues that seems to have divided the nation over the past decade remain at the forefront of our political debate. Immigration, climate change, abortion, gun control etc. are all important issues of course, but very little progress have been made considering the amount of time, resources and attention that have been devoted to them.

So the problem with traditional forms of social governance, such as democratic voting, is apparent: on the one hand it has difficulty identifying and addressing the wide range of opinions different people hold, on the other hand, even with respect to the small number of issues that do end up bubbling up to the surface, it isn't particularly efficient at detecting consensus.

The central cause of this problem is that current modes of discussion are not scalable. There are inherent limitations in the way we're able to communicate our views across to each other; namely, human ability to comprehend and organize information is the main bottleneck. We cannot possible follow multiple conversations at once, or recall everyone's propositions once there are more than a handful of people in the mix. This is why most collaborative decision making bodies in practice are generally quite small in number: the President's cabinet, Supreme Court Justices, boardroom directions of a fortune 100 company etc.; you just can't have a productive discussion with 50 people. Our entire civilization is structured around this very limitation: discussions don't scale.

Scaling Collaborative Discussions Under Tau
Imagine if we can overcome this limitation; what will it mean for social governance? By using a self defining, decidable logic, the Tau network is easily able to keep track of every user's propositions and detect consensus automatically. Note that making a proposition is exactly the same as voting for that very same proposition: when you're proposing 'dogs should always be on a leash in public unless in a park' you're in effect putting in a vote for such a proposition. This way, countless issues, regardless of how technical or niche, can be assessed through the network concurrently, and social consensus can be detected on the fly. The Tau network can scale social governance by overcoming one of the greatest limitation in human communication of ideas by delegating the task of logically making sense of everybody's propositions to the computer. A simple use case of this will be the rules of the Tau network itself: through a self defining logic, Tau is able to detect consensus among its users from block to block, altering its own rules to conform to the choices of the user base.

The benefits of scaling discussions are not limited to just a more efficient form of social governance. Logic isn't merely about detecting surface level consensus, the network can easily form further deductions from everyone's propositions. If one states 'all men are mortal' and 'Socrates is a man', one can deduce that 'Socrates is mortal.' But deductions can be very deep and non trivial. Imagine if we had a group of 1000 mathematicians all inputting their mathematical insight as propositions. Tau can rapidly detect who agrees with whom on what, and deduce every logical consequence of their combined wisdom; in effect arriving to new truths and insights. In other words, Tau greatly accelerates the production of new knowledge. This will, of course, also work if you have physicists, doctors, engineers, computer scientists, indeed experts in every field working together on the platform. By scaling collaborative discussions in a logical network, Tau is able to scale the creation of knowledge.

When Tau comes into effect, any company, government, and indeed any organization not using this new network will be rendered obsolete. Tau aims to become an indispensable technology.

And this is only the alpha of Tau.

I will talk about the beta in a future posts. The beta will revolve around not just the scaling of discussions and consensus, but the automation and execution of code based of the results of those discussion. For more information on code synthesis and more, please read Ohad's blog. Also, do check out my introduction to Tau here if you missed it.

You can invest in Tau through buying Agoras tokens on Bittrex .
I am not affiliated or paid by the project. These represent my own subjective view Resource :
Ohad Asor's New Tau Blog
Buy Agoras Tokens to Invest in Tau
Telegram Chat
IRC Chat: Where you may ask Ohad himself technical questions
Tau Reddit
Tau Chinese QQ Group: 203884141s. Tau/Agoras is the only other crypto project apart from Steem in which I see an extraordinary future, and I am merely sharing that with fellow Steemians here.


Ohad Asor's New Tau Blog
Buy Agoras Tokens to Invest in Tau
Telegram Chat
IRC Chat: Where you may ask Ohad himself technical questions
Tau Reddit
Tau Chinese QQ Group: 203884141


Are creeds such simple things like the clothes which a man can change at will and put on at will? Creeds are such for which people live for ages and ages.

- Mahatma Gandhi

That jai ibi hadiah go, kiban cara? Hehe

To be creative and have quality

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