Thinking of ideas to promote Steemit around my local area.

in #sndbox6 years ago


The last couple of weeks I have been thinking of ways to promote Steem and Steemit. I have the time to do it, and I also want to do it, so it is just a mater of time and logistic until this turns real. The first ideas that come to mind are what I have already seen other users doing. Going out to the streets to crowded areas and handling flyers and stickers to the people. Having a couple of friends helping, Steemit users that know the platform so they can explain to the interested ones about Steemit and how it works.

I think that good good promoting starts with true believers, people that really love Steemit and believe in its future are what we need out there on the streets handling flyers. Enthusiasm is contagious and thats why I think that paying random promoters to do the job would be a fail. If it is done by real actual users, promotion will be much more effective. I have been thinking to create a small group of people to do this task, me included of course.


Another Idea that I had was to give something to the people that shows true interest. Lets say giving them 1 Steem if they create an account and comment on one of my posts. That could be a good bait for them to create an account, and once they have their account and start browsing and discovering the platform, they will be very likely to stay.


Another thing that I would like to do, is creating and managing a Steemit Uruguay Community. Helping new users to understand how the platform works, supporting and teaching them how to be a great Steemian since day one. The way I see it, the quicker they start creating quality content, the quicker they will start getting upvotes, and we all know that upvotes means user retention.

I will keep brainstorming and finding a way around it, not only to promote Steemit in my local area (Maldonado - Uruguay) but also to start creating a local Steemit community. Ideas and suggestions are more than welcome since I do not have much experience in promotion and community building. Thank you so much for reading and supporting!


I love your enthusiasm. I've started much smaller by telling my friends and family about it. Also sharing my steemit posts on my other social media accounts which seeks the interest of some. Best of luck. Steemit is an awesome platform and I'm excited to see where it will take us in 2018.

Hey! Thanks for your words, much appreciated.

Telling friends and family is an amazing way of promoting Steemit, if we all do that, we will see a nice grow on the accounts creation numbers. Every effort adds up!

Thanks for reading and commenting mate!

I've been promoting this on Facebook for months. Many different approaches. Right now, I'm offering $100 CDN worth of tokens to the first four who sign up. Strangely, only one person was interested(so far). I basically dropped $100 bills and nobody wants to pick them up. I don't know if stickers will work with my friends.

Wow that is a bit discouraging... but let`s see. Maybe the face to face approach gives different results.

Your generosity will pay off sooner than later man, keep it up!

It doesn't hurt to try... anything. I guess as long as we're not being forceful and acting like this is some sort of cult. I know that if I was still in living in a big city, I'd be downtown at one of the parks where the artists and entertainers are busking. There isn't much culture where I live now. It's the old school and the old ways here. Change is a tough one.

Anyway. Good luck and have a good day.

I recommend you to put together several of the already available Spanish guides for steemit that are out there, so in case someone is interested you can provide them with all the information they need right there.

I'm working on a physical approach to promote Steem too. I plan to start the project next month, oh next month is just few days away. I want to go beyond online promotion, which I have been doing on Twitter for weeks.

As for the flyering route, @timcliff had a campaign to get people to put up flyers a little while ago and there were a bunch of submissions of (free-to-use) flyer templates. If you are looking for designs...

I like your idea of promoting steemit to new users. In my case I use forums for bloggers that I write in to introduce them to the world of steemit. This platform here offers a big advantage for bloggers because they can hit a bigger audience, they don´t have to pay a monthly fee for hosting their blog and some of them have really great content that was never rewarded. So I will continue to promote steemit to other to get better content for the users here.
With best regards from Germany

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