in #nigeria6 years ago (edited)

Olanrewaju Ojuoluwa
29th September
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, living in a 'god-damned' place like Nigeria, I fear no evil; Lord, Your Rod and Staff comfort me always."
Haven grown-up in Nigeria as an ordinary citizen, I've seen it all; the bad, the ugly and the worst! I have not been opportune to witness a sanitized system where things work so far. Apart from structural/infrastructural inadequacies/inequalities that ensure that I dream against dream and hope against hope with very little to show for it, there are also other numerous limiting factors militating against achieving my set goals.
However, mine may be a better story compared to million others who are brainwashed to believing that hard work still equal success. The age-long lie that education is the key to success still ever active and fresh in their inner-mind; a source of motivation for them to get good grades in their studies with the hope of securing great job offers after school. Little do they know that there are a lot with first class results yet stranded after leaving school, all having their wits dulled not because they are not smart enough as often thought by those trailing them, but because the system has been programmed to make them fail.
Talents without opportunity to showcase it is totally useless. Here in my country, a fresh graduate is expected to have 5 years experience. I and others like me are actually not asking for luxuries nor do we want too much, we only crave to live as human beings in a society that works, a place where we can dream and bring such dream to reality. It is not that we cannot get to drive SUVs and go to ivy league schools, the problem is that a set of people have converted our commonwealth for their personal greed.
29th of September being my birthday should be a day of joy for me. I really want to rejoice; throw a party and give myself a treat, but can I? I mean, how can I party when I know that my country is in shambles? Presently, workers are on a Nationwide industrial strike because the government won't increase their minimum wage from $38/month whereas politicians live lives of decadence. It is annoying and pathetic to know that it will take a Swiss worker just lesser than four months to achieve what a Nigerian worker will spend an entire career of 35years to get.
Can I go ahead to celebrate my day in the same country where just yesterday innocent souls were massacred in Jos? Among them were young fellows who should resume school this Monday. Young Nigerians that had dreams of greatness. They were butchered! Their sin was being Nigerians! Worst still, the presidency haven't acknowledged the incident yet, not to talk of condoling with families of those affected. Buhari was in USA busy rallying support of Nigerians based in America for his second term ambition. I guess the fellow who said the opposite of love isn't hate is right, it's actually indifference indeed!
I too wonder how I am not carried away by 'hustling' for survival - an activity which has engulfed virtually everyone else to the point that they forget all other things but survival. And according to the plans of the microscopic few who have made a project our present situation - the people's impovrishment, everyone else apart from them is supposed to be busy struggling to survive while they keep enjoying their spoils haven conquered the land. But, because I've taken it upon myself to be concerned I'm here today, privileged to Know what many others do not know. And as a friend once called me, I am an undead because as much as the 'power that be' try to bend everyone else, I remain adamant and, unbendable!
It is in this light that deem it fit to give Nigerians access to 2 of my books - "At This Point In Time (AT PIT)" & "Nigeria2019: Sell Your worth Not Your Vote". These two books contain information on how Nigerians can achieve a country of their dream by taking responsibilities. Below however are download links to these books, some of my audio messages and songs, videos of my messages and songs. Do ensure you digest these and extend the gesture to others just as I have freely given you today. Enjoy!

Source: nairaland.com

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