They Said "If You Want Anarchy, Go To Somalia" — So Here I Am

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


As a very outspoken anarchist, one of the biggest replies I get when I try to explain that people shouldn’t be slaves and should own themselves is, “If you like that so much you should move to Somalia!”

So, okay, I'm here now. But, I don’t know why they told me to come here.

As I boarded the plane from Nairobi to Mogadishu, the first person I met was someone from the World Bank who told me his job was to try to enforce some sort of extortion (he called it a tax) in Somalia.

Boy, that sure sounds like anarchy I thought.

The only other foreigners on the plane were NGOs likely working with the UN deciding who would live or die in this beautiful part of Africa.

Upon arrival, most of the planes at the airport were UN planes including one that looked like it had been shot down.

We were met by a private security team I’d hired via the Peace Hotel, which is really the only hotel I know of in Mogadishu that can ensure your safety in the area. The hotel itself has about three massive walls surrounding the compound and just a few months ago a bomber had blasted through one of the walls in an attempt of a siege.

We were taken to the private security control room which was very high tech and impressive. I imagine it is similar to the room where Barack Drone Bomber and Killary Clinton posed for their propaganda photo when they didn’t kill CIA asset Osama bin Laden, who didn’t commit 9/11, when they didn’t throw his body into the Indian ocean.

Having spent only two days in Mogadishu I certainly won’t claim I have a great understanding of what is going on here. But, according to many I spoke with, all these problems started in the 1990s when warring tribes fought for control of the government.

Because, that’s anarchy, right?

They somehow managed to bomb this entire city into rubble in the process. And I mean literally into rubble. All of it.


Then, according to locals, countless other governments and the UN have been moving in trying to take over the area in one way or another. The United Arab Emirates and Turkey apparently being two of the biggest ones with the largest military bases here.

Meanwhile, the US, in its constant bid to spread “freedom” and “democracy” has been randomly drone bombing civilians. We met a man who had eleven of his family members killed in a drone bombing and raid by US terrorists. Stay tuned to Luke Rudkowski’s We Are Change CensorTube channel, or even better, his DTube channel for that interview.

And, according to many, all of this random bombing of civilians has created a very angry Muslim population that has gravitated to Al-Shabaab, which is somewhat of an offshoot of the CIA-created Al-Qaeda and ISIS, who now do most of the suicide bombing in Mogadishu.

Just in October, the largest hotel here was completely destroyed and about 600 killed in one massive bombing. And bombings are nearly a daily occurrence.

In fact, as we returned from a tour around the city with our armed team of about 10 men with AK-47s (you might want to keep those just in case!) in our bomb-protected, bullet proof vehicles, we heard that an area we were just in had been bombed with 20 people believed to have been killed.


So, because I believe people shouldn’t be slaves (the meaning of anarchy - no rulers, no slaves) people told me to come to a place where countless factions and governments are warring and terrorizing the populace in an attempt to subdue them into slavery, with the World Bank even trying to figure out how best to extort the local populace.

Talk about opposite land.

I did see some anarchy, however. The Peace Hotel and its private security teams were all private companies doing an admirable job of providing safety and security for visitors as various statist forces battled it out around them.

And the locals I witnessed and met are the epitome of the resilience and bravery of the free market. Amongst all the rubble, most were working hard just trying to make a living as nearly the entire world was trying to take control of them.

I saw young teenagers hauling 150 pound sharks on their shoulders out of beaten up fishing skiffs through the water, and up the rubbled stairways to the fish market, to make a living.


And, all with a smile on their face as they were earning enough money to survive another day in what should be paradise but has turned into hell.

Almost all I spoke to told me that Mogadishu is improving daily and they are so proud of their community and wished the world knew what was really going on and would support them instead of making things worse.

In fact, numerous people told me that they love Mogadishu and think it is one of the best places in the world… and one even told me he would never go to the US as he sees all the police brutality and lack of freedom there and feels it isn’t safe.

I couldn’t disagree with him there.

When I asked one local, “How did this all happen?” he sighed and said, “We did it to ourselves,” referring to the civil war.

It was another case of people fighting for control over others and ruining everything in the process. This is what is happening everywhere in the world today with people in the US now close to a civil war over “guns” — and believe me, you’ll want those guns if and when that civil war happens.

And, not to mention, the War of Terror has now been going on for 17 years which only creates more terror.

The way to hell is through war and to fight for control over others. The way to heaven is to respect others' freedoms and right to life and property.

Somalia has learned that lesson the hard way. Sadly, much of the rest of the world is racing towards this being their future.



Thank you for that riviting field report. Guess us anarchists will have to keep searching for that elusive "Somalia" everyone told us about.

In all seriousness, these kinds of reports are monumental to people waking up and learning the truth about our world.

The official reason for the US presence in Somalia is the perennial war against terrorism. The real reason is oil. Here's a must read, the real story behind Black Hawk Down in Somalia, CIA bribed then created civil war all for Bush family to get the billions of barrels of oil in Somalia:

Amazing work Jeff. One more thing, the US government armed and funded many of the rebel groups in Somalia fighting for control. So that doesn't help. lol

That's pretty damn important, because WITHOUT that, even among power-happy, heartless bastards, it wouldn't be economically useful--or even possible--to wage ongoing violence like this.

Sure. The most dumb rebel leader (and they are not dumb generally) understands that it's ineffective to wage civil war for 20 years. But with foreign funding... well that's different

Like in many other places...

i don't know why the people on the top enjoyed their lifestyle if they have the power to change the world into a better place, therefore human greed is far more realistic than compassion.

I`m waiting for a video from Somalia :)

Cool post and an amazing idea to go and see what it was like for yourself.

Hopefully your reporting will remove some of the cobwebs from the way people see Africa and the rest of the world

This issue is of course years old, and it has been rehashed so many times I even submitted an Urban Dictionary entry for it:

They want me to move to Somalia? Sure, I'll go there. You go to North Korea though.

Very well done Jeff. These types of articles are why I started following you, this is so much more refreshing than all that Bitcoin Cash bla-bla-blobbity blahhhh.

dandays, you're obviously missing the irony here, but I'll point it out for you - very few people in Africa would be able to afford Bitcoin Core's $50 fees, so Bitcoin Cash is going to be the obvious winner in that continent.

Thanks for pointing that out to me @weepingguitars, I feel informed now.. I guess I got a little carried away thinking this post was about Somalia.

I obviously missed the btc-bch irony as well. It was almost as if the article didn't mention it at all.

Their comment mentioned it. Very dishonest diversion tactics on your part.

hahahah wow, perfect

If you knew the post was about Somalia, why does your reply to it attack Bitcoin Cash? Now you're accusing the person who called you out on it of switching the topic, while it's you who did, and my retort is relevant to both the article and your reply. What a weasel!

Sorry you feel that way. Let’s recap and make sure you’re following along accurately:
I said (this is the summarized version @weepingguitar, I don’t want to lose you again) ‘thanks.... that’s why I started following you.... more refreshing than BCH.’ I’m not going to apologize nor ignore your attempted smash at my compliment to Berwick.
Ps - In my mirror is a Gryphon, not a weasel. :kisses:

They can't afford BCH either.

they didn’t kill CIA asset Osama bin Laden, who didn’t commit 9/11, when they didn’t throw his body into the Indian ocean.


So steel reinforced buildings don't collapse like a house of cards? Psh! Conspiracy theory alert!

I know if I executed the world's most famous terrorist I'd dump his body in the ocean so no one could confirm the kill. Gotta keep um on their toes man.

sounds more like chaos not because of anarchy but because of many different groups trying to force their way onto the country.

The way to hell is through war and to fight for control over others. The way to heaven is to respect others' freedoms and right to life and property.

Der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert.

Oh, the government has many of those guten Vorsätzen.

Definetely but eventually rund out of other Peoples money

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