Jackpot: Why Silver is the Money of Gentlemen [VIDEO]

in #silver5 years ago (edited)


This may come as surprising to some, but you need to know that our next 10,000% gain investment might not be a cryptocurrency.

When it comes to acquiring assets and being prepared for economic collapse, there’s no silver bullet. Any wise investor knows that diversity is key.

Of course, growth mainly depends on which assets you choose to put your capital into, and how. At these levels, it is almost impossible to be pessimistic about silver!

In his book Wealth in the New Millennium, author Norm Franz famously claimed “gold is the money of kings and silver is the money of gentlemen.”

Yet, the way I see it, the last kings (and hopefully the Queen) are dying out soon.


Every empire in history has fallen. The bubble that is the rigged world economy will not just pop like chewing gum, it will violently burst.

It’s been crashing slowly, but the US dollar is going to completely collapse some day, just like most of the stock market (probably sooner than you think).

Still, every cloud has its silver lining.

In my recent walk and talk vlog from the streets of Capri, Italy, I return to the subject of precious metals and in particular, silver mining stocks.

For those of us with ears to hear and minds to think, there are monumental opportunities in both the short term and long term.

Watch the full video:

I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and neither were most of The Dollar Vigilante members who’ve benefited from our financial insight and guidance over the years (SUBSCRIBE).

At some point, your drive to thrive ramps up and improving your own condition just becomes natural. Self-development feels like hard work for a while, but then it doesn’t.

I highly suggest you check out the video above for life changing information.

Subscribe to TDV on YouTube and follow The Dollar Vigilante on Minds, LBRY, BitChute, DTube, and Steemit.

Survive the dollar collapse & prosper being a TDV member: https://dollarvigilante.com/subscribe



Yeah, I like silver!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Gold will become worthless.
  No one will accept Rots-children's money. Especially for food.

Silver will never be used as money again
  It will become too valuable. As in, imagine you can make a free-energy device, but you need an ounce of silver to build it. How much is silver then worth?

Barter will be the new money.
  As cryptos advance, it will stop being money, and start being claims on future goods. It will be intimately tied with energy needed to produce something. Cryptos will not be generic money to spend anywhere, it will be specific IOUs that are tradeable and balance trade.

Debt... i wish we would round up the bankers and put them against a wall to be shot at morning, but we would have to explain to the people just how bad the things they did were... and also to most of the bankers.

I buy the odd Oz when I can afford it of silver. I reckon with the growth in touch screen and nanotechnology sliver will have a massive demand due to it's conductivity. With very limited capital to invest I can only buy a little but hope to gain on what I can afford 💯🐒

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