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RE: "Arguing Without Being A**holes" >>> Civil Discourse ... An Exemplar

in #writing6 years ago

Well thank you very much my friend! I remember this exchange fondly, and I'm glad we can both agree that this kind of dialogue makes a good example for how to argue.

I've actually reflected on the very topic of this post (arguing civilly) a lot even before you made it, and I have come to three interim conclusions:

  1. Be clear about why you are going to argue (or debate, or engage, etc.) before you even start typing. There are no right answers. The only wrong answer is to not have one. If your goal is to bully, then go bully. People will see you for what you are. But if your goal is to persuade, realize that and act accordingly... However, oftentimes my goals are to simply organize my thoughts about a topic that I feel strongly about, but have never quite taken the time to formally lay out the reasons why I feel the way I do. Other times, my goal is to persuade the audience, with the direct recipient most likely being a lost cause. Other times, my goal is simply to inform: to present facts that are (in theory) irrefutable. I find that going into an engagement with a goal in mind helps guide everything from that point on.

  2. Mind your audience. In a public forum like this, especially in a place where anyone with our without an account can view every interaction, you never know who is watching. Or who will come back to read something one day. There is a level of anonymity I enjoy here, but at the same time, my closest friends and family all know my account name. In conjunction with point number 1 above, sometimes I am writing for the audience.

  3. Common ground is necessary. When I started to see people talk about how the Parkland shooting was a hoax, I just walked away. There is no arguing with that, because me and that person have no common ground. It is pointless to engage. Unless your goal is to belittle and demean, you should just walk away. Since my goal is never to bully or mock, I refuse to engage with someone with whom I share no common ground. A corollary to this is that confrontation is uncomfortable, so put on some sparring pads. A little self-deprecation, a little humor, and a little praise of your opponent goes a long way towards making the debate a heck of a lot more enjoyable -- for everyone.

I will always chime in on your posts to tell you how I feel. Even if it's "I don't care about this topic", which you once managed to take use as another argument in your favor :D

I enjoy being on this platform, and you're a part of what make that experience what it is. Cheers.


i feel very aligned with this response. Thank you for saying it so clearly. You organizing your thoughts has just helped me organize my own.

I’m glad this resonates with you, too 🙂

Smart ass maybe @quillfire...but sure ill drop by again.

@dollarsandsense more sense than cents,
since reason expands best without pointy fingers


I very high compliment indeed, and I'm glad to have been of assistance. Feel free to drop by anytime ... there's a lot of smart people who swim in these waters. We could always use another.



Wonderful insights, all. You know, for me, the simple engagement in an intelligent conversation is a reward in and of itself. To simply know that there are other intelligent minds out there thinking about an issue is comforting.

The reason I'm so against ideological thinking, of all kinds, is because it's so absolutist: "Either you're 100% with us ... or you're against us." No nuance is allowed. But life is complicated and rarely do complex problems have simple solutions ... for if they did, we wouldn't call them "complex problems."

I don't know about you, but I have disagreed about something with every single one of my best friends. When did philosophical disagreement become so toxic? Plato and Aristotle disagreed about almost everything. But they didn't hate each other ... they revered each other. They clearly understood that the one was making the other smarter.

How did we lose this?


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