Failing To Gain Control In The Unwinnable War

in #drugwar4 years ago

Cocaine seizures today are at the highest that they've been in decades for some regions. They've taken hundreds of millions of dollars in product off the streets, by confiscating it from dealers. Despite the efforts to prevent drug use though, it is still more prevalent than ever today.

In 2017, it's estimated that one person died every week because of a cocaine overdose, according to data from the Health Research Board. Drug usage in a variety of areas has been chronic and criminalizing drug use hasn't prevented the problem. In many circumstances, it has made criminals out of peaceful individuals. It has caused many innocent victims to be swept up and harmed in the chaos over the years.

The battle has also been frequently used as the justification for the deterioration of liberty for all. It has been the policy to help fuel the militarization of law enforcement around the United States and other regions. The people aren't made safer when they are each looked at as a threat, as the enemy, until proven innocent. That might breed a little hostility between those doing the serving and those being served.

It's reported that a large number of the drug overdose deaths include a mixture of drugs, and the CDC has previously found that roughly three-quarters of those incidents which involved cocaine in 2017, had also involved opioids as well.

The combination has prompted some to warn that opioids might be playing a big part in the rising death toll related to cocaine use.

Regardless, drug overdoses are the cause of many deaths worldwide today still, regardless of the police war against them.

Without that battle, would there have been more deaths, would there have been less? It's difficult to know exactly how it might unfold. Although, previous studies have examined the connection between cannabis legalization and a reduction in opioid overdose, concluding that it would contribute to a reduction in overdoses.

We can also look to areas that have tried to embrace an alternative approach to the drug war, such as Portugal, and they've reportedly seen street-drug related overdoses plummet.

The war on drugs is a multi-billion dollar endeavor, every year. Is that money being well spent?

Considering the prevalence of drug use, addiction, overdose etc that we see today, and have seen for decades, it's fair to conclude that the drugs have won. Drug prohibition fuels more violence in the end, and if the battle were funded voluntary then the prohibition effort would've already gone bankrupt and been put to bed by now.

pic3 Zyglis via npr


"Regardless, drug overdoses are the cause of many deaths worldwide today still, regardless of the police war against them."

Prohibition is actually the cause of the vast majority of those deaths, as rational professionally managed pharmaceuticals and care are specifically prevented by criminalization. The same is true regarding terrorism - a word which was coined to describe government itself - and it is these proofs of the destruction of freedom and prosperity that government must effect that best illustrate the concept of government itself is based on unsound principles and despotism contrary to the fact of individual sovereignty.

This is further demonstrated today in the governmental claims to reduce opioid overdose deaths, as the totalitarian governmental control of the medical industry is actually being used to decrease the number of people availed of professional medical services and pharmeceuticals of opioids, which necessarily causes those people to turn to the unregulated criminal black market for drugs that is controlled by the CIA. Every government act to impose institutional power on sovereign people decreases their freedom, the blessings of civilization to them, and their prosperity, while increasing the wealth and power of criminal blackguards profiting from their misery.

US troops guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan, restoring opium production after the Taliban banned it


Hi @doitvoluntarily,
After reading your article.
I remembered not a small number of friends who died from an overdose. This is a real problem that needs to be addressed.

Honestly enough if we legalize drugs in the United States and import cocaine directly from Columbia...

Crime is going to completely die off. Any criminal enterprises are immediately going to suffer catastrophic loss of funds.

Why would you want to go pick up some dirty blow that could possibly have fentanyl in it and killed you or you could go to a store and get it pure as well as with test results just like we do with cannabis these days.

At the very least your personal choices wouldn't result in funding criminal activity. And that is a very big thing with the Mexican drug war happening at our Southern border which the United States is completely funding.

Take the criminal element out of if this and watch the criminals be forced to get jobs or collect welfare.

And as soon as the financial motivations for crime are taken away... Watch the mass killings in Mexico end as abruptly as they began.

Mexico has a massive amount of homicides kidnappings and violent crimes.

the largest criminal organization of all... is gov🤣 🤣

The main reason freeway Ricky Ross is alive? He dies he releases the big dirt.

How did a kid from the inner city make millions? CIA DEA and the US government...

Don't forget we allowed drugs to be smuggled in for dirt about terrorism. We cut deals with the narcos. And funded them and protected them.

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