Banning Cannabis Even Though It Is Already Banned

in #weedcash5 years ago

Cannabis has been used as a natural medicine option for thousands of years all over the world. Not only has it been used for it's alleged therapeutic properties but the plant has also contributed to the creation of thousands of different products, from clothing and rope, to animal feed, lotions, oils, and various food items.

A war has been waged against this plant for too long now, encompassing thousands of innocent lives that have been lost in the process. They didn't need to be gone so soon, it was a direct result of the violence inflicted from the war on drugs against natural rights and the freedom to choose. Various health experts over the years, along with criminologists and other specialists with experience with drug addiction and the justice system etc, have collectively echoed the message that the war on drugs is a total failure. That we should treat addicts as patients and not as criminals and that filling up prisons with people over joints and for growing cannabis plants peacefully in their own homes etc, doesn't arguably make a community any safer.

Over the years, cannabis has been legalized but that doesn't mean freedom has been embraced.

It might seem like freedom but it's shrouded in restrictions and violence still. Various regions are still trying though, from the United States to Canada, Jamaica, Mexico, Portugal, Uruguay, and elsewhere. The cannabis climate has been shifting, with a growing embrace and seeming acceptance for marijuana all over.

Regardless of the war against it, you can still find cannabis almost anywhere.

Lawmakers should realize that they ultimately cannot keep people from growing or trading cannabis, and their punishments against them for doing so are unjust and should be construed as a violation of human rights.

Many are having a more difficult time learning this lesson though than others are, they are less willing to make the necessary adjustments in reflection to the ongoing failures over the years. And some see it as a threat to their job, chasing after people and putting them in cages over cannabis. When there are less cannabis smokers to criminalize, authorities will have to spend their time worrying about other activities.

In some jurisdictions where lawmakers are looking to legalize, still there are push-backs from the government at various levels.

For example, the Illinois Gov. previously signed a bill that effectively legalizes cannabis in the state, regardless of the federal restrictions which still exist surrounding marijuana. Their new cannabis market is expected to launch early next year, but a growing number of cities have announced new plans to ban that change from happening.

Various cities are concerned about the problems that legal cannabis might bring, is reefer madness coming to Illinois? They don't care about the potential economic opportunity that it could mean. And they also seemingly don't care about trying to make a change that might mean putting a stop to ruining people's lives over victimless crimes. They want to maintain the war on drugs regardless of all common sense which suggests it would be wise to put an end to it all and try a different approach.

There are a number of cities in Illinois so far which have announced their bans, despite the coming changes expected for 2020, they will be looking to prevent dispensaries from opening. They don't want people in those regions to have that choice.

All this is going to do is drive business out of those regions and push people to other areas that are going to provide the market to meet their needs, or just stay with their same black market options. Prohibition doesn't work, it ruins lives, and it's sad to see lawmakers still clutching onto this war and the many ignorant assumptions about cannabis that go along with it.

pic3 D Sun

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@doitvoluntarily, Definitely Drug Addicts should be treated as patients and not as Criminals and in my opinion if Government wants then they can bring balance to issue for sure. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Besides all the lives it's ruining, it's amusing to watch governments from both the US and Canada try and control this. Federally in Canada, it's now all good (with some minor restrictions). But, the provincial governments have clamped down on it and are pretty much trying to become monopoly drug dealers. In the US, states are okay with it, and federally it's trying to control it. Neither is working. In both instances, the "black" market is prospering and the only thing making it black is the governments saying it is. Why not just open the market and tax it as legitimate businesses would probably be okay with that? The whole thing pretty much shows we're all being ruled by a bunch of idiots and it's helping to wake people up and realize it.

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that is random!😂✌️

Actually... It was traditional for women to use it.

"She has got a case of the vapors I'm afraid" is a reference to hash or the flowers being burned and inhaling the vapors.

And childbirth? Yep woman died in childbirth. Had some hash partially digested and another 7 grams freshly ingested. Blew the scientific community away.

Blaze it! Free the flower!!!

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