Authenticity crisis

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Be who you really are, not what you believe others want from you.

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Everyone says that the advance in technology and the creation of social media platforms has made our era the most connected of all, though this is only true to an extent. Even If we can communicate with people all across the globe, we are more disconnected from those who really matter, the ones that really care about us and know who we really are, loving us for that. You see more than ever persons from all social classes, races or nationalities desperately pretending to be something they are not, all so they can get enough attention from strangers for that, entering in a eternal state of high school anxiety. With all this happening, what we can consider authenticity is a value that's rare in these days, and It doesn't come without a justification for that, as showing your true opinions about things and your true personality can bring a lot of criticism from people with underlying envy and insecurities for you being able to speak in a sincere manner. That's why in this article I will talk about the benefits of sincerity in the modern age, making you know that even If It's hard It's really worth to trust in your true self, with flaws and all, whenever you make a statement. Let's begin:.
1.Being Able to Gain Valuable Advice.
Even If you think that nobody can understand what you have gone through, by being transparent and showing not only your positive forefront though the problems and adversities that happen in life with sincere intentions to make It better, you will find that a great amount of people had gone through the same situations as you, being more than eager to share their experiences and give you unvaluable advice that will help you solve whatever is in front of you without going through the same mistakes.
2.Being more relatable.
If you were to buy something from two salesman, one telling you that whatever you acquire from him is the best thing you're going to get and pointing the many reasons why you need that particular product, and the other telling you in a more sincere way their experiences with the product and what their consider might best fit your situation, you'll point to the second vendor. In this way you can know that sincerity is the best policy If you try to get through the barriers of indifference from people, making you more comfortable as you're operating in your own skin and at the same time making others trust you more as they can see the real you.
3.Helping many others get through the same.
Maybe just a twist of the first point, though what really matters here is the fact that by displaying your true self and what you face at times of hardship you're not only helping yourself, though at the same time giving valuable insights in the form of your perspective to many others that are struggling with the same experiences you might have gone through, making them know that they're not alone in their battle, and once you get past them, giving them the right amount of guidance they need to make the required changes in their lives to also succeed, At the same time giving you the satisfaction and wholeness that comes with helping others and delivering value to the world.

Authenticity, even If It can bring your imperfections to the surface, is a much more satisfying way of living than just constantly trying to fit in someone else's shoes. That's why I hope that this article could have been of use to you, pointing the many benefitial effects that being really true to yourself and sharing your experiences can bring in the form of good to the world, making you remember that honesty is the best policy. Thank you for your support and good luck!

 2 years ago 

Better days ahead, let's grow ourselves.


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